Wednesday, August 18, 2010

covered bead necklace tutorial - reader submission

I host a monthly crafting group at my home each month for my friends from church. Last month a friend was working on a copy of a gorgeous necklace she saw at Ann Taylor. She graciously offered to let me take pictures so we could share it with you (she knows me too well!). We'll just call it this week's reader submission. It's similar to the covered wooden bead bracelet we posted last summer, with a little twist. Enjoy!

Covered Bead Necklace Tutorial

*Chiffon or other fabric
*Plastic or wooden beads
*Needle and coordinating thread
*Decorative beaded chain
*Sewing machine (optional--you could hand sew!)

1. Start with a piece of fabric (she used chiffon) about 36" long (or longer or shorter depending on how long you want your finished piece--remember to leave some to tie a bow) and 2.5" wide, or wide enough to fit your beads plus a 1/4" seam allowance. Fold fabric in half lengthwise with right sides together. Machine stitch or hand sew up long side, leaving ends open. Turn tube right side out.

2. Insert a bead into tube and center. Tie a knot in the tube on either side of the bead. Continue adding beads on either side and tying knots after each to secure, leaving about 12" on either end to tie in a bow.

3. Wind beaded chain around beads. Stitch in place randomly at knots to secure.

To wear, tie around your neck and be prepared to look like the most elegant, and craftiest, girl in the room!


  1. Wow so simple yet utterly gorgeous!

  2. I love it! I have seen so many of these around and I am so excited to now know how to make them. Thank you!


  3. OH MY GOODNESS! That is gorgeous! I can't wait to try this!

  4. LOVE IT!!!! Can't wait to try it!

  5. It's so pretty! Thanks so much, I'll be linking to this.

  6. Very Pretty! This is a nice take on this style necklace.
