Monday, April 19, 2010

we're going to be on the radio!

How cool is it that we're going to be guests on a talk radio show this weekend?! The host of the Fave Crafts radio show on BlogTalk Radio invited us to be on the Sunday, April 25th show and we were flattered! It's a little nerve wracking, but we're really excited to share a little more about our blog and some of our upcoming projects with crafters all over the country.

So if you're around on Sunday, April 25th at 4:00pm Pacific Time (7:00pm Eastern), log on to and listen in! Register on their site to listen and get an e-mail reminder for the show. If you miss it, archived podcasts can be streamed directly from the Web site or downloaded for free through iTunes.

One of the most exciting things is that we'll be on the same show as Jenni Bowlin, one of my favorite scrapbook supply designers. Check out her site to see her amazing stuff if you don't know who she is.

The other amazing guest is Wendy from The Shabby Nest, another one of our favorites! We couldn't be in better company!

Hope you'll tune in!