Friday, April 23, 2010

aloha starfish and fish cookies


I've been having way to much fun "practicing" my baking skills and then sharing them with everyone. Hey, a gal can only eat so many cupcakes and cookies and I am a firm believer in sharing. I think my friends and neighbors are now sick of the cupcakes and sweets too and my recent facebook post begging folks to give me a reason to make more cupcakes went unanswered. Even Jessica, my trusty taste tester, threatened to quit. She said something about sugar overload. I have no idea what that is--ha! Thankfully she loves me and kept her job as taste tester, but did ask me to slow down. Sadly, I took a brief hiatus from baking and I've been focusing on cleaning--boooo!

Thankfully, someone rescued me from my cleaning, er, I mean gave me an opportunity to bake. There is a luau coming up and they need people to bring desserts. Yippee! I thought it would be fun to bring both cupcakes and cookies. I dug around the kitchen and found a starfish cookie cutter and a salmon cookie cutter. I wish I had a tropical fish cookie cutter, but this little guy will have to do. I gave him a marbled look so he would be a little more festive.

I'm lovin' this royal frosting thing. You may be seeing more of it in the future.



  1. I've recently fallen in love with royal icing too, although my sugar cookie attempts look nothing close to how cute those fish cookies for sure!

  2. Love the cookies. We are having a luau party in May, I would love some ideas:)


  3. They are so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh, that's lovely!

  5. Fun! I tried royal icing for the first time at Easter. I tried to make Easter bunnies, but the store bought sugar cookie dough spread too much in the oven and made bunny blobs! Yours cookies look so much better!!

  6. do you have a recipe you can share for the cookies and frosting. I have been trying different ones but haven't found one i love yet.
