Wednesday, February 17, 2010

make a sweater vest

A while ago I shrank some sweaters in the wash. Well, determined to make some lemonade out of these lemons, I put them aside for a future craft project. I finally finished up this cute little sweater refashion. Now it is a cute sweater vest for my daughter.

I simply took the sleeves off of one sweater (the pink one) and cut the bottom off another (the brown one). I then took the cut cuff and turned them into the vest sleeves.

After sewing them on, I made a squirrel applique using The Long Thread's squirrel applique pattern. I should have used stabilizer when working on the squirrel, but my daughter is happy and I guess that is all that matters. I was surprised at how easy this was to put together and definitely recommend you try it if you have some sweaters around the house. You don't have to shrink the sweaters. If you find a couple that you like, but think would look cuter cut apart and re-pieced back together in a different combination--go for it!


  1. Look at you guys with a new post today already! I'm up with my little one and it's 5 A.M. Thanks!

  2. Excellent idea! This would also be a great upcycle for sweaters that have holes in them or are stained, but other parts of them are perfectly good. Thanks!

  3. What a fantastic outcome to a repurposed piece. Very inspiring.

  4. You did a great job!!! I am all for re-purposing clothes. And actually just completed a project on Sunday turning a turtleneck sweater into a cardigan. So glad your daughter loves it!

  5. Hiya!
    Just wanted to let you know that we've featured this (using a photo) on today for our clothing refashion roundup... thanks for sharing this great idea!


