Saturday, January 23, 2010

Janome Pass it On Contest

I LOVE my sewing machine and I can't remember my life before my serger. They are always out and they get A LOT of use. Well, if you are an enthusiastic sewer like me who would like the chance to win a new machine, serger or sewing supplies, then you need to check out the Janome Pass It On Contests. They have two contests going on right now so you have two chances to win. Yippee!!

Check HERE and HERE for the details. I love their theme of sharing. The idea of sharing your skills and passing them on to others is right in line with the spirit of our blog. We are passionate about what we do and we want to share our passion with the world. I bet some of you are already doing this too so entering this contest will be a breeze. I know I would love to have a new serger with a stronger motor so I can work with thicker material.

Well, I am off to share my sewing skills because this is one contest I want to win too!


  1. Thanks for the info. Maybe you can share some advise on a topic I just posted about...MINKY FABRIC!

  2. i posted a giveway...come on over and check it out
