Monday, January 18, 2010

first-ever meet & greet!

We're so excited to announce the details of our first-ever Little Birdie Secrets blog party in Western Washington!

Who: Everyone within driving distance of Lynnwood, WA--we want to meet as many of our readers as we can!

When: Thursday, February 4th, 6:00-8:00pm

Where: Lasting Memories Scrapbooks in Lynnwood (20 min. North of Seattle)

What: The evening's activities will include craft and blog talk with Stacy, Mandy, and Jessica, a fun Valentine's garland project, sweet treats, plus lots of giveaways from the Birdies and our sponsors!

Love Garland craft project - $5 (just to cover our costs!)

The party will go from from 6-8, so drop in whenever you can! We'll start the craft project at 6:30, but you can always finish it at home if you get there later or have to leave early. The garland kit is $5 (payable in advance only via the PayPal button on our sidebar) and includes all the pieces to complete your garland. We'll provide the tutorial LIVE and in person!

Everyone who promises to blog about the event when they get home will get a special thank-you gift that night, so don't forget your camera!

We would like to know how many people to plan for, so please RSVP by Tuesday, February 2nd to Include your name, city, and whether or not you want to get crafty with us. If you would like to participate in Love garland craft project, please also submit your payment of $5 to PayPal via our "Buy Now" button on the sidebar by February 2nd. You are welcome to purchase multiple kits, but we will not be able to ship them, so you must come to the party to pick them up (how's that for a bribe)!

For all our lovely readers who can't make it to our little soiree, we'll provide a tutorial after the party for the Love garland. We're may also decide to sell kits for the garland on Etsy if there is any interest, so leave us a comment if you can't come to the party but would be interested in buying a kit.

We love how blogging creates a virtual community amongst crafters, and we're looking forward to extending that sense of community to our real life neighbors! Hope to see you there!


  1. If only you did this 4 years ago when we still lived in Washington! It sounds like fun though!

  2. What a wonderful thing to do and I am sure that lots will show up! I am waaaaaaaaaaay over here on the East Coast but will be there in spirit. I can't wait for the tutorial :)

    LuLu Kellogg

  3. Sounds like so much fun! Wished I lived closer. Hope it is a success!

  4. I wish I could be there. I know it would be a blast, but I am here in New Mexico...
    Have fun and think of all of us who want to be there!

  5. If it wasn't a school night, I'd totally be there! I love to meet other crafters around here... sometimes it seems w're few and far between unless it's scrapbooking!

  6. would loooove to be there but it's hard to find care for my son and my hubby is deployed right now! i would be interested in purchasing the garland kit though!

  7. going to try to figure out how to get there! I live in Portland and love your blog!

  8. aawwww i wish i was there toooO! it kinda feels like washington right now, with all the rain thats hitting us here in ca... hope you all have a blast though!

  9. Since I'm way out on the opposite side (in good ole VA) I won't be able to join in the fun. However, if you decide to sell the garland kits, count me in on buying one. Have a fabulous time chickies.

  10. I HAVE TO COME!!! Gotta get my $5 in...

  11. I am thrilled. . . I actually live IN Lynnwood! I am coming for sure!!!

  12. Just around the corner, but alas, I'll be sitting in Bothell shivering at my daughter's soccer practice. :(

  13. I'll be there, and just did the PayPal thing for the crafty project. Looking forward to it.

  14. I live in Ga, but would buy the garland kit if you put it on Etsy!! :) please, please, please!

  15. Yes, please sell some kits on etsy

  16. I would love to buy a kit on etsy!! THis is so cute and I wish I lived closer so I could come!

  17. Just payed my fee! Wasn't sure I'd be able to go until just a moment ago, but I'll see you all there. I'm so excited to meet you lovely ladies and all the other readers that get to come.

