Thursday, December 3, 2009

make an embroidered felt tree skirt

In the ten years I've had my own tree to decorate, I've never really had a tree skirt. I usually try to hurry up and get the gifts under it so no one notices. But this year I finally got around to making a tree skirt, and it was such a fun project! The best part is how much money I saved. Have you noticed how expensive cute tree skirts can be? This felt skirt can be as simple or elaborate as you want, but doesn't have to cost more than a few dollars.

Felt Tree Skirt

I started out with this tutorial from The Paper Pony. She shows you how to take a piece of wool felt (I got mine at JoAnn with a 50% off coupon) and cut it into a pretty scalloped tree skirt. I wanted to dress mine up a bit with some green vines, holly leaves, and white berries. So I gathered some green wool felt, matching embroidery floss, buttons, a needle, scissors, ribbon, and chalk and went to work!

After cutting my scalloped tree skirt, I free-hand cut some holly leaves out of green felt. If you're not comfortable free-hand cutting, try die-cutting your image at your local scrapbook store, or find some clip art that you can print out, cut out, and trace on your felt.

Next I used a piece of chalk to lightly outline my vines around the edge of the skirt, laying the leaves and buttons along it to make sure it looked even.

The next step was the fun part. I put on the 5-hour BBC production of Pride and Prejudice and started stitching. Yes, it took me about 5 hours to stitch all the vines, leaves, and buttons on. I guess that's why tree skirts are so expensive! I did use long stitches to make it go a little faster, and only used three stitches to sew on the leaves (rather than stitching around the edges like I had planned).

My next step is only for all you other crazy crafter out there who love to add tiny details that probably don't need to be added. I am the Queen of over doing it. But I really thought the scallops needed a little white french knot in the middle of each one. This added another 2 hours to my skirt (yikes!), but I LOVE the way it turned out!

My last step was another unnecessary one. I added ribbon ties to keep the skirt in place. I think it would have stayed put without them, but I couldn't help the cuteness factor once again! I cut six pieces of ribbon, each about 2 feet long. Then I doubled-folded the ends over and sewed them down to keep them from fraying. You could also use Fray-Check. Then I sewed two pieces across from each other and tied them in a bow. Repeat with the other two sets of ribbon, spaced out evenly. I really just eye-balled the whole thing since the ribbons are going to be in the back and hardly seen at all!

And voila! Two days later it's finally finished! I'm going to have to use this for at least 10 years to make all that work worth it, but I do love it!

If you want more ideas for easy felt tree skirts, just do a Google search using their "images" tab and you'll find lots of cute ones out there--like these!


  1. That is darling! I need to make a skirt this year and I've been wracking my brain thinking of how to do it cute, but inexpensively. This'll work! Thanks!!!

  2. What a cute idea ! I mentioned to my hubby that I need to make us a new one. Our current skirt is barely going to survive this Christmas. It's first on my list to make for the New Year !

  3. Love the skirt, thanks for the tute and the links. It's adorable!

  4. Adorable! Thank you for sharing. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  5. I just love this, I've been wanting to make my own. This is perfect.

  6. Cute! Cute! I have also skipped the skirt, for the last few years I have just used a length of Christmas fabric. It really isn't great.

  7. Love This! I totally need a new skirt, but hate how expensive they are! Going to do this before next year!

  8. very cute! I just watched that movie again too while I sewed a quilt binding on!

  9. You 'little birdies' are AWESOME! Thanks for the tutorial!!!!!!

  10. I too made a skirt for our tree this year. I picked up a skirt at the dollar store ($1) for my template and picked up 2 yds each of 2 different fleece patterns at Jo-ann's while it was 50% off. Instead of stiching one together I opted to tie it together (think no-sew tied fleece blanket!!). It turned out awesome and to top it off it's double sided!! I'll be posting pictures soon at
    I also made my 2yo a no sew blanket and he loves that both he and the tree have new "mankeys"

  11. Sew cute!!!! Thanks for the idea. maybe i'll get around to making one after christmas :)

  12. That is too cute! I just love the scallops! :)

  13. oh, that is darling. I made mine many moons ago--simple muslin with red felt hearts appliquéd on. I would love something brighter though and this one looks grand!

  14. yes, 'tis lovely indeed. You must feel accomplished!

  15. It's the reverse appliqué that caught my eye. Thank you for sharing. I like your pattern because of it's clean elegance.
