Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action!

The Little Birdies were busy today. See this picture? This is what happens when a small professional film crew takes over your house. We are thrilled that Microsoft selected the little birdies to be a part of their "Real Life Stories" program.

We had a lot of fun--12 hours of fun in fact. Stacy's house was turned into a studio with lights and cameras galore. We were thrilled to be treated like mini celebrities. This was not a low budget job. We had professionals from California--guys that spent the night before filming an episode for a television show. They were so polite and encouraging we really felt like the celebrities they treated us like. The guy with the black time frame thing is Kris. Super nice guy so we have to give him a quick shout out. Looking for something new to add to your playlist? You should head over to his site and check out his music.

Here's Stacy getting her mic on. Notice the bright shirt. She had to go through three "wardrobe changes" until she found the right color for the camera. Humility is having strangers tromp through your room and closet and dig for something that won't make you look too washed out or something that will make you blend into the background. You definitely need thick skin in this biz.

Jessica is smiling pretty for the camera as she prepares for our "brainstorming session".

Mr. Charley, our expert sound man who made sure we sound good. You don't realize how much noise is going on around your house until you want it quiet.

Jessica is getting ready for her short piece.

Mandy and Stacy are shooting their pieces here.

Of course, the kids had to get in on the action too.

Now, let's hope that all of our wonderful birdie footage doesn't end up on the cutting room floor or in digital garbage out there. We'll let you know if it makes the cut and share the finished product with you. It should be out in January--YEA!


  1. Wow how exciting. What a great experience for everyone.

  2. How exciting! Can't wait to see it!

  3. Congrats! What an amazing experience!

    All of you look great!

  4. How great for you girls. I think that is such a great opportunity. Congrats.

  5. How neat! I can't wait to see it! Congrats.

  6. That is super cool! How awesome!

  7. Congrats!! So exciting for you all.

  8. That is exciting! I love watching their little commercials. My favorite is the daughter at college who has to have an excell spreadsheet approved by her dad before buying anything. LOL!

  9. Now that is toooo cool! Way to go! Congrats!

  10. wow! You guys rock! I hope it "makes the cut." I want to see it! congrads~

  11. That is so cool! Way to go! Looking forward to seeing it. :)

  12. How awesome you guys! Can't wait to see the final cut!

  13. Congratulations! That sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to see it.
    Rebecca of the R&W Gals
