Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monster Repellent

Got creepy crawlies under the bed? Boogie men living in your closet? Furious fangs lurking in the hall?

Never fear! The Little Birdies have the solution for you. Scaring away monsters has never been easier. Just a little water and Super Monster Repellant (aka your favorite essential oil) and you have the ingredients for your super Monster Repellant. This potion is so easy to make, your little ones can help too.


Water Spray Bottle (we found ours in the laundry section of the Fred Meyer)
Stickers, paper, pictures of monsters--whatever you want to use to decorate your Monster Repellent Bottle
Super Monster Repellant (this is also known as your favorite essential oil. You can pick this up at your local drug store or health food store)

Once you've gathered all your supplies, you are now ready to make your repellent.

Step One:
Decorate your bottle. The more official it looks, the more fear instilled in the scary monster.

Step Two:
Fill your bottle with water.

Step Three:
Add one or two drops of Super Monster Repellent (essential oil)

Now you are ready to battle anything that comes your way. Monsters hate this spray. One spritz will have them running to the hills so you can have a good night sleep.


  1. I love this idea. I remember seeing someone using "monster repellent" a long time ago. She wrapped a drawing she made over an air freshener spray. I think the essential oils is a better route though rather than an aerosol can! :)

  2. O my boys are going to love this! What a fun easy idea!

  3. I totally had this as a child. We would spray it in the closet and under the bed every night. Worked like a charm!

  4. This is great, I love the concept and your monster repellent bottle looks very "official". Great job!!

  5. I do this for my boys--theirs is a blend of lavender and chamomile but it takes the monsters away :)

  6. This is so fabulous! My kids are going to love this!

  7. The oils work especially well for little boy bedrooms when they like to tinkle on EVERYTHING!

    I think I need to go and DECORATE our monster spray now! LOVE IT!

  8. REally cute idea! I will definitely make this. I will also include this in a "kid" round-up at

  9. What a clever idea! I might have to try that one in my daughters room, I'm pretty sure there are a few monsters under her stinks also so the essential oils are gonnafix that too!

  10. so smart! I've never thought of this!

  11. I love this ~ it'll be perfect for some special little ones for Christmas gifts.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. I did this for my lil bro ( who is now 17!) When he was little... he totally believed in it and its magical powers!

  13. Like it!! Gr8 idea! :-)

    Saludos desde EspaƱa.
    Blanca, Coser y Cantar

  14. Can't wait to make this for my kiddos. They will love it. Just have to get a spray bottle.

  15. I love this idea too and wish I'd had it several years ago. Think my 7 year old will still 'believe'?

  16. Love the label! How cute is that? My son is past believing that a spray can get rid of monsters, but the night light does wonders!

  17. This is fabulous! I needed this when I was little. I wouldn't have had to do the run-and-jump. =) I'll be linking.

  18. What an awesome idea!!!

    Please stop by my blog and enter some fun giveaways. I've got a really great one that's ending today for a kid's outfit valued at $113! I really need to get some more entries for it, so I'd really appreciate your help! And you have a good chance of winning too!!! :)

  19. Love, Love, Love this idea. I put my little one to bed just tonight and had the monster talk again. . .
    Tomorrow will be different.

