Thursday, September 3, 2009

canning pickles

Had enough canning info from us this week? Sorry, we've got another one. Pickles!

We found some pickling cucumbers at a local fresh fruits and vegetable stand and couldn't pass them up. Following a recipe found here, we bottled them with mustard seed, dill, garlic, and a vinegar solution.

While we sterilized our jars in the dishwasher, we washed and cut up the cucumbers. We then boiled up a vinegar, pickling salt and water solution. We added a little bit of pickling spices to our solution until we were happy with the flavor.

Next, we added mustard seed, dill, and garlic to our jars and then packed in our cucumbers. Then we poured in our vinegar, salt, and water to the bottles. Aren't they beautiful?

After all of our jars were full of pickled goodness, we processed in a water bath canner per the recipe's instructions.

These are so great to have on your shelf for winter or summer. Think about how good they'll taste on next summer's burgers!


  1. Ohhhh how I miss cucumbers, pickles, ect...
    Every since I was diagnoses with roseacea I can't eat them…my whole face breaks out…weird

  2. I'd love to try this sometime! Thanks!

  3. my mom use to can when i was little. i remember going to sleep at night with the house smelling of vinegar and dill and waking up in the morning with all the jars lined up on the counters. yum

  4. I grew up eating canned pickles! They are so yummy! We would eat a bottle a day!

  5. The pickles look like so much fun! I love learning new cooking, canning, baking stuff. You make it look so simple :) Thanks!
