Monday, August 24, 2009

school schultüte gift cone for back to school

I spent a large part of my early youth in Germany. I loved every minute of it. One wonderful tradition the Germans have is to present their children entering their first year of school with a Schultüte. I used to ooh and aahh over the beautiful cones in the stores in downtown Weisbaden. These cones come in so many different colors and styles and are filled with fun treats for the child.

This year all three of us birdies have a little one, er...I mean big one, entering Kindergarten, so I think it is appropriate that we made our own version of a Schultüte.

Schultüte Tutorial

One poster board
Wrapping Paper, card stock or poster of your choice
Mod Podge or glue
Hot glue gun
Two sheets of tissue paper

1. First, cut your poster board into a pizza shape (aka a triangle).

2. Next, Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to one side of your poster board and lay your wrapping paper down. Use a brayer to get out any air bubbles. Trim the wrapping paper so the wrapping paper is one inch bigger than your poster board on all sides. Turn the poster board over and Mod Podge down this one inch edge.

3. Using a hot glue gun, on your "inside" side of your cone, hot glue the tissue paper to the top.

4. Roll your cone up and apply hot glue to the seams and seal the cone shut.

5. Fill with goodies and tie the top off with a bow.

Now, the kids should not be the only ones getting these wonderful cones full of treats. Don't forget the teachers. If you are looking for a smaller teacher version, check out what our friend Tammy made over at the Lasting Memories blog.

Hurray for back to school! We wish all of you nothing but wonderful memories as you pack in as much fun as you can these last few days of summer. Best of luck to your families, too, as you gear up for the upcoming school year.


  1. This is a great idea! what kind of "goodies" do you put in them?

  2. We filled this with school supplies, stickers, candy, and items from the dollar aisle at Target.

  3. Awww. My dad is German, and we used to get a schultüte every year.

  4. I am "room mom" again this year and I think this is a great idea for little gifts at Christmas time! Thanks for posting!!!!

  5. Very interesting...I have now learned about my new thing for the day!

  6. My girls went back to school last week and I made these for them for the first time. They were so surprised and happy to get these with their breakfast! I filled them with socks, pens, tape, keychains, tiny notebooks, and M&Ms. It's a nice idea to make them for the teachers -- my girls always like to bring apples on the first day. Traditionalists, I guess!

  7. How cute - absolutely adorable! The dollar aisle items from Tar-jay is a great idea.

  8. I made one of these for my daughters teacher for the first day of school (today!). She helped me put it together and was really excited to bring it in.

    We created it as a Teacher Survival Kit - I posted it on my blog -

  9. That is such a great tradition. Beautifully done.

  10. My husband is German. He taught me how to make these years ago. Each one of my kids got one the first day of Kindergarten. Love the tradition!

  11. I was born in Wiesbaden, but don't remember living there though. My Mom is German but we never got one of these, hmmmm.

  12. Glad to have found your blog! Look forward to popping back to read more posts.
    Thanks for sharing how you made your schultute.
    We are going to make these as well, not only to start our school year, but also to tie in with the boys' summer camp that was all about Eric Carle and his books. We ae going to make these as well as German pretzels...
    Have a nice weekend,

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