Saturday, January 3, 2009

getting organized = more crafting

Okay all you resolution makers, we've got another one for you. If "get organized" is on your list for 2009, you have to try this new, *free*, online organization site. It's called, and it makes organizing your family's activities easy as pie. Pie you're not going to eat because of that "eat healthier" resolution, right? Good. It's day 3 and you're still sticking to your list. Good job.

So here's the run-down on Cozi's features. It lets you manage and coordinate schedules, organize and store shopping lists that can be accessed from any mobile phone, send quick updates or reminders to family members, and lots more.

You've got a calendar with each family member color-coded, so you know at a glance who needs to be where and when. You can even e-mail or text message reminders to family members from the site. Plus, you can print your calendar by day, week, or month if you're a technically-challenged family.

There are also endless list options, including a to-do list, grocery list, what-I-need-to-make-that-cute-thing-I-saw-on-Little-Birdie-Secrets list--you personalize the list, so it's totally you. Plus, you can send your list to your cell phone, PDA, or call Cozi to have your list read to you! How cool is that? I can totally see myself using that feature at the grocery store while rifling through my purse, looking for my grocery list (it happens to me weekly).

If you're like me and lack of time has been making your personal blog suffer, but you want to keep track of funny things your kids say, your feelings about a special family occasion, or record the details of a family trip, there's a cool journaling feature that even lets you upload pictures. They say in the near future you'll be able to share your online journal with family and friends.

Free family calendar

I know you're thinking, 'How much did they pay these guys to write about their site?' Not a dime. Seriously. We just believe that the more organized you are, the more time you'll have for the fun stuff, like reading our blog and, of course, crafting! So, you're welcome. Go get yourself organized, then come back here for some incredible crafting tutorials, ideas, and tips. We've got tons of cool stuff planned for 2009!


  1. VERY cool!! Love it...I'll give it a try. Thanks so much.

  2. Hey! I've been using cozi for the last couple months and love it! thanks for sharing!

  3. Great tip, I can't wait to dive into this site and get organized for 09!

  4. What a great site - both yours and Cozi! Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for sharing this with your readers!

  5. I'm going to have to check this out. thanks!
