Sunday, November 23, 2008

one-day hiatus and a giveaway

Wow, I have never wanted a break from crafting in all my life. I did not craft a single thing today--can you believe it? I'll be back to my old ways tomorrow, but it was nice to just read a book, drink hot cocoa, and enjoy my family after weeks of getting ready for our craft fairs. I hope Stacy did the same today! We really did have a great time, though, and we were able to clear out a few things from our craft closets and make a little extra dough for Christmas. We'll be stocking our Etsy stores this week with the leftovers, so watch for an announcement soon! There were some really cute things that didn't find a home, and our husbands do not want them in ours any longer!

Stacy and Mandy with the "goods"

Look at all this fun stuff!

Thanks to our sweet readers who stopped by the Kokanee fair yesterday. We appreciate your support so much! We also made some new friends in the vendors near our table.

Like these guys. We were so impressed with these high school students, Mike and Jake, who sell screen-printed t-shirts with earth-friendly themes. They had some cool stuff! They're still working on their Web site, but check out in the near future.

We also made fast friends with Heather of Cutie Patootie Boutique.

Heather was selling darling baby and kids items--we were going crazy over all her stuff! She has incredible taste in fabric, too. Check out this adorable pillow case dress.

And this hilarious "stinks good" play dough. "Dough Doh Heads" scented play dough comes in fun flavors like Rootbeer Float, Banana Split, Freckled Lemonade, and more. (Children with Wheat Allergies should NOT use this product as it contains wheat flour.) We loved the funny "dough doh head" on her packaging. So original!

Play with your dough on this cool reversible play mat that's a smooth surface for dough on one side and a chalkboard on the other.

After spending all day with her, we felt like we were best friends. Maybe that's why she offered to give us a few items for a giveaway! Two giveaway posts in a row? Christmas must be coming. . .

Check out Heather's Web site and leave us a comment with your favorite item in her store for a chance to win these fabulous stocking stuffers (great items for girls or boys!):

*1 Groovy Grape Dough Doh Heads Scented Playdough
*1 Orange Sorbet Dough Dob Heads Scented Playdough
*1 black and white gingham reversible "Chalk and Dough on the Go" play mat

That's a $24 value! Thanks Heather! Go visit Cutie Patootie Boutique and let us know what tickles your fancy. But be sure to leave us a comment by Sunday, November 30th. Good luck!


  1. Oh too fun! I love the Roll n' Go Crayons! Such a clever idea!!

  2. I love the roll and go crayons!

  3. she is one seriously talented chicki! I love love love the pillowcase dresses and yes she sure know how to match her fabric!! Love the scented playdough idea too.....fingers and toes are crossed

  4. I love the playdoh, just the idea of those scents. What a great giveaway

  5. Oh gosh, the tutus are so cute it kills me. I know a little girl who'd get a kick out of the dough, though.

  6. I love the chalk and dough on the go play mat ~ that would be the best gift ever for my son!

  7. Am I the first?!! Wow! I love Cutie Patootie's pillowcase dress and her cutie patootie boutique beanie hat! Really, what's not to love with everything that she makes, it just evokes more inspiration for those of us crafty moms... and one can only hope to win something that is handmade!

  8. I love her boutique beanie caps. So precious!

  9. My son is a little older so the Dough Doh with mat look great to me. I also love the 4 tiered diaper cakes since so many of my friends are expecting right now. What a super gift idea!

  10. Your stuff is adorable! I always love to see how others set up their things for craft shows. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I like the roll and go crayons, and the prize sounds great! What a perfect stocking stuffer!!

  12. My absolute favorite is this little apple print pillowcase dress:

    What a cute store and that Dough Doh Head stuff looks amazing--my kids would do back flips to get their hands on it!

  13. Wow, so much cute stuff that it was hard to pick just one favorite. But I have to pick those pillowcase dresses...they are ADORABLE!! And I don't even have a little girl!

  14. Heather's stuff is too cute...I love the baby beanies. They are so sweet. The crayon roll-up and reversible place mat are great for big kids.

  15. Love the dough!!! Ick, no more stinky dough. Oh, but I am quite fond of the baby beanie caps too. Great stuff!

  16. Scented play doh AND a reversible play mat! Can't get any better than that!!

    I feel a stocking stuffer idea coming on!

  17. I love Heather's site. I have to say the Tutu's are my fave! So much fun. I have to try to make one at some point :0)

  18. I love the knitted beanies! I have always loved these, but have never had the patience to learn how to knit.

  19. What fun stuff she has! The "On the Go" sets are a great idea. I also love the crayon rolls and little girl dresses. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. I love the aqua tutu with the fall leaves at the hem. So pretty! My daughter loves the pillowcase dresses and laments they don't come in her size (8/10). Son loves the dough and would love to craft some cool lego star wars characters out of it!

    I will definitely be shopping with Heather for my infant/toddler nieces and nephews.

  21. i think my favorite would have to be the fleece and flannel blankets. very cute! -hayley

  22. okay... all the dough looks soooooo yummy! I honestly cannot pick a favorite! Please don't make me!
    Thanks for posting another great giveaway!

  23. Thanks for this site! I'm bookmarking it now. I love the beanie caps, and the pillowcase dresses, and the hair clips!! It's all so cute!!!

  24. I was just thinking that is the cutest little idea! I'd love to get that for a stocking stuffer.

    *fingers crossed*

  25. Am I the first comment? Crazy!
    I love everything Miss Heather has to offer... LOVE the pillowcase dresses though I don't have a daughter. I think we'd enjoy the dough and mat though.

  26. What adorable stuff! I am loving it! I have to say the "Spit Happens" bib is such a great idea! Not only is the name fantastic, just the thought of my little boy keeping his clothes clean all day sends me through the roof! Oh to dream.

  27. Oh her stuff is darling! I really loved the pillow case dress... sooo cute!

  28. Love the play-doh & mat, what a clever idea!

  29. I just LOVE the play dough mat/chalkboard- what a great idea!
    chasgomez at gmail dot com

  30. So adorable! So creative! Hope I win!!!

  31. I love her Roll and Go Crayon rolls! Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  32. Everything in her shop is adorable, but I must say those pillowcase dresses are so cute! I know my daughter would love that chalk mat too!

    Thanks for all of your tutorials and for this giveaway :)

  33. Glad the craft fair went well. Enjoy your break.

  34. Mine is the pillowcase dresses too! After three years with a son having a little girl is like playing dolls all over again, although I'm much older. But...playdough is my son's favourite so that would be the item I would HAVE to pick up for him. He'd be soooo excited if I won this!

  35. Could the pillowcase dresses be any cuter?

  36. Loving the Roll n' Go Crayons and the On the Go sets.

  37. I love the diaper cakes! What a cute idea!

  38. Did you say one item? Ha....please! I went through each section loving pretty much everything. Who could chose? The dresses alone had me at hello!

  39. The pillowcase dresses are definitely my favorite!

  40. The pillowcase dresses are definitely my favorite!

  41. I love the bus taggie blanket! And the playdough with mat is sooooo cool!

  42. I love the "Chalk and Dough" on the GO! Reversable Play Mats. Very cute idea!!!

  43. Very fun stuff. I really like the Diaper Cakes, great shower gift!

  44. I love the green/flowers fleece and flannel blanket. It is very beautiful!
    leslierose at gmail dot com

  45. She has great things! All are gifts I would love to give and receive. I like her bow holders a lot. The super painted ones I see everywhere are just to bulky and busy. I like her flower version a LOT better.

  46. Wow! What fun stuff. I think the chalk and go mat would be perfect for my 2 year old.

  47. I love the roll and go crayon holders. It really helps when traveling!!

  48. Her Boutique Baby Beanie Caps are adorable! But I'd really love to win the play dough and mat for my daughter for Christmas.

  49. Lovethe Roll n' Go crayons and the reversible blankets. So cute!

  50. The pillowcase dresses are adorable-- I've been wanting one for my Bug!

  51. She is amazing! I love her "About Me" page. Those Pillow Case dresses are amazing!!!! Great fabric choices! I also like the tag blankets and yummy smelling play-do. Please pick me!

  52. It's all so cute! I lie the blankets and beanies best!
    themoosehouse at gmail dot com

  53. So much fun stuff!! I love the play dough. The flavors sound good enough to eat!

  54. Absolutely the cutest stuff ever! I love the T-shirt dresses! I want some for my two girls!

  55. I love the taggie blankets!! very cute botique!

  56. Since I have a cute little toddler boy I would have to go with the play mat. He would love it. Although, I wish I had a girl because her pillowcase dresses, ponytail holders, etc.. are gorgeous! I am going to have to keep her in mind for the next shower I throw. Her diaper cakes are gorgeous.

  57. I love the chalkboard placemats and the playdough! How cute!

  58. I love the blankets, either reversible or tag, my niece would LOVE them! She has such cute things at good prices, thanks for passing on her info!

  59. love, love, all these cute things. chersty

  60. Much Talent!! Back to look at it all now! :)

  61. Her roll n' go crayons look great too but I think that playdough placemat is the best! thanks for the chance!

  62. Her tutu's are beautiful but that chalkboard placemat is genius!

  63. OMG those pillowcase dresses are fantastic! I love the Black(?), pink and green one!!!

  64. The reversable play mat is total genius!

  65. I love it all!! I can't pick just one thing! Please don't make me just pick one thing.

  66. i LOVE those pillowcase dresses...oh how i can just picture my sweetie pie in them...and her hair clips are awesome. ummm...i didn't see a thing that i didn't love!

  67. Wow! She seriously has the cutest stuff. I still think that the chalk and dough mats are my fave! I have never seen anything like that. What a great way to entertain kids!! ;)

  68. fun! i love all the cool scents!

  69. Love the pillowcase dresses. Too bad I don't have any girls!

  70. So much fun in one little store! I love it all, but I have to say the pillowcase dresses are my fav! I'm a sucker for adorable clothes for my little one!

  71. Besides loving the genius two-sided, waterproof play mat, i also like the pattern combos of the pillowcase dresses. Very unique and wearable!

  72. Great stuff! I like the "spit happens" bibs and the Chalk and Dough mats. Very creative and cool patterns!

  73. I love the Dough and portable mat! What an awesome idea! The tutus are adorable as well.

  74. Everything looks great! I especially love the crayon rolls and my boys would love the dough and mats!

  75. What cute ideas! I love her reversible baby blankets...the toes in the picture are so cute too! :)
    Thanks for charing!

  76. How cute! My boys love play dough.

  77. That chalk/dough mat is fantastic. And the pillow case dress? ADORABLE!! What a great bday present for me if I win on Sunday . . .

  78. I'm currently visualizing a stocking stuffer coming in the mail!
    I went to her boutique and to be honest, with a 3 year old boy who loves play doh - I am hoping to win her give-away! Soo fun and the little guy can play with the play dough while I make cookies and hot coco and wrap christmas presents!
    Pick Me!!!! Please!

  79. I've never met a crayon roll I didn't like. Those are my favorites!

  80. I must say, that my favourite product is the chalk board flip mat. That would get the most use here.

  81. The reversable play mat is the best and is perfect for my youngest.

  82. She has some great products on her site. I loved the pillowcase dress that had apples and pears on it. I do love the chalkboard too! I'm sure my daughter who's almost two would too!

  83. the girly girl tutus are awesome!

  84. OMG! I seriously LOL and had to grab hubby and show him the play dough. They're awesome!

    I also had a great LOL at reading her "About Me". She's hilarious!

  85. Wow, what's not to love?! I love the roll n' go crayons, the chalk and dough play mats, and the hair clips the best. I just couldn't narrow it down to one thing.

  86. I love the pillow case dresses. I never thought about pairing them with jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt until I saw them on her site! I think I may have to get one for a little girl for Christmas!

  87. Those pillowcase dresses are absolutely adorable!

  88. Thanks for showing her off I love all her baby stuff expecially the soft blankets and the cute dresses. Makes me wish i had a girl!

  89. I love the play dough! How fun! Julie

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. I like the pillowcase dresses. Thanks,

  92. The pillowcase dresses are darling!

  93. It is hard to choose, but I think I like the diaper cakes the best! What a cute gift displayed so beautifully.

  94. I love the scented play dough and the roll'n'go crayons (it was so pretty)!!! Talented lady!

  95. Those pillowcase dresses are adorable!

  96. I like the hair clip holder, oh and the toddler cute. What a great idea for the placemat!

  97. I love the chalk and doe on the go! There are so many cute things on her website!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. I vote roll & go crayons or the pillowcase dresses! I also liked the hair clip catcher! All too cute! erickalr (at)

  99. Dough Doh Heads "Stinks Good" Scented Playdough is my favorite, what a good idea. Awesome, I hope I win!


  100. What a cute name and clever idea for dough. My kids love playdough and I never buy or make it! They'd be happy if I won!

  101. Love Heather's website....such cute stuff. My favorite is the Chalk & Dough mat so I hope we win the giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  102. I love the pillowcase dresses and the tutus. She uses such cute fabric! What a great giveaway. Thanks!

  103. I love the chalk and dough. So fun.

  104. It's a tie between the pillowcase dresses and the girly girl tutu's, but since I have a boy, I'm glad the giveaway is for the awesome dough and chalkboard mat!

  105. I absolutely love the blankets!!! but I love it all! They are so cute! My blog is private so my email is

  106. Those pillowcase dresses are SO cute! My kids would love the play doh- what mom wouldn't want something that keeps the kids entertained for a few minutes!

  107. The chalkboard place mat is such a cool idea!

  108. I love the pillowcase dresses. But being I have a son, I also really like the reversible blankets.

  109. Have to say that i loved the simplicity and the cuteness of the button ponytail holders!

  110. Wow, such cute stuff. I love the scented play doh and mat and love those dresses!

  111. I like the Dough Doh Heads ... my kids like regular playdoh and home-made versions as I'm sure thus would go over big.

    clach at northpark dot edu

  112. I like the tutu and the pillow case dress! Very fun. The playdough sounds really cool.!

  113. I am totally for the rootbeer flavored playdoh. How fun is that! Great idea!

  114. The chalk and go playmats are fabulous, and I love the crayon rolls, but my FAVORITES are the girly-girl tutus. Everything is so cute, though...

  115. aw, the pillowcase dresses are adorable! my little ones would love some scented dough in their stockings~ thanks!!

  116. I absolutely adored the pillow case dress. I want one for my little girl. The beanie's were really cute too. One of my friends made me a roll and go crayon set for my girls birthday - so good for restaurants and days out! Great website though. Too much stuff that I now covet!

  117. I love the Dough Doh Heads Scented Playdough. How creative!

  118. Wow, she has so many cool things, the hair clip catchers are a great idea and the Pony O's are so cute, but the pillowcase dresses are adorable!

  119. Its hard to decide - everything is so neat! I think I would pick the crayon Roll n Go and the playdough w/ the mat.

  120. I love the dresses so cute I like the playdough mat with the chalkboard on the reverse so smart

  121. I love the chalk/dough mat! My little girl would absolutely adore it!

  122. I love the spit happens son makes such a mess when eating!

  123. I LOvE the pillowcase dresses and the tag blankets! My baby loves tags. It would be perfect for her to cuddle with at night! How are you all so creative???

  124. I'm definitely bookmarking this site. I loved the 'chalk and dough' mats. I really need one of these for going out to dinner!!

  125. Wow, soooo cute! I love the boutique baby beanie! And the tutu...should I go on? Thnaks for introducing me to the site! :-)
    Amy in CA

  126. I loved the pillowcase dresses. They are so cute!!!!

  127. My favorites are the chalk mats and the playdough. Very cute!

  128. My favorite is the chalk and dough on the go mat. Cute idea and would come in so handy!!

  129. love the pillowcase dresses...if only had a girl to go with it!

  130. i love the crayon roll... but the play doh also intrigues me!

  131. I love the crayon holders and the play dough mats - so cute and with a 2 year old, so great

  132. I've seen the chalk mats but never thought about them for playdough on-the-go...she is so smart!! I love all her stuff but I think her fabric selection for the clothing is amazing!

  133. The pillowcase dresses are just too adorable! She is so talented.

  134. another vote for the roll n go crayons! very cool!

  135. do I really have to pick a favorite?? I can't decide. I love the blankets with the ribbon loops. What a great idea. Not to mention the play doh!!!

  136. I too really like the Roll n' Go Crayons but the chalk and dough mat is such a great idea!

  137. love the tag blankie & the pillowcase dress sooooo cute!!
