Tuesday, November 18, 2008

bath mitt tutorial

It's craft fair time! Stacy and I have been madly sewing and crafting for two craft fairs we signed up for this week (Jessica, out of pure wisdom I'm seeing, chose to opt out of this crazy idea). It has been a little stressful, but a lot of fun, too (thanks for the babysitting help, Jess!). We had our first today--it was a small affair, but a good trial run. This Saturday we've participating in the Kokanee Holiday Bazaar in Woodinville, WA, which will be a little bigger. If you're in the area, stop by and see us! Here are the details:

5th Annual Kokanee Holiday Bazaar

Kokanee Elementary School
23710 57th Ave. SE Woodinville

Saturday, November 22nd
From 9:00am to 4:00pm

A great assortment of Vendors to fill your holiday needs!
*Something for every budget*

As I was preparing items to sell, I kept looking for a tutorial for a bath mitt to compliment the other bath and body type items I was making. Everything I saw was crocheted--just not what I wanted. Then I found this great tutorial for an oven mitt from My Longest Year (who has other great tutorials, too!) and thought I'd try something a little crazy.

I altered the project to make a terrycloth bath mitt, perfect for the shower or bath. My materials list looked just like hers EXCEPT I used 1/4 yard terrycloth and left out the batting and InsulBrite that she used for the oven mitt.

Using her awesome pattern, I cut one piece out of a cotton print, and then three more out of terrycloth. So essentially I skipped the InsulBrite layers and ended up with four pieces instead of her six.

I basted the cotton fabric to a piece of terrycloth for the top, and then basted the other two terrycloth pieces together for the back. This gives the piece you wash with a nice, thick feeling, like a real wash cloth. Then I quilted the cotton/terrycloth piece with a stippling pattern. NOTE: This amount of quilting significantly reduced the size of the front of my mitt, which meant I had to trim the back piece down, which meant it turned out a little smaller than it should've. I can barely get my hand it in, and I have narrow hands and wrists. I recommend a simpler quilting pattern like she uses on the original tutorial to keep the original size in tact.)

I followed the rest of her tutorial pretty closely except I made the "tag" she has into a long loop for the mitt to be hung up in the shower. I cut it the same width as her tag, but the length I eyeballed to be long enough to hang on my tub's faucet.

Voila! Since it's too small for the average hand, I guess I'll have to keep this one for myself. Darn! If I have a chance to make a new one, it will be sold with coordinating rice heat therapy bag (tutorial coming soon), cold pack eye mask (also coming soon), and makeup bag for an ultimate spa gift. If I would've thought about it sooner, I would have ordered a few soap slices from my friend The Soap Lady to include in the package. Her soaps are divine! Maybe I'll have to throw in a bath bomb instead. I'll post a picture if I can get it all together before the bazaar on Saturday.

One more thing: We are optimistic, but we're not naïve--we know we will probably not sell a lot of what we made. But that's good news for all our not-so-local readers. Most of what we have left will probably end up in our Etsy stores soon. I know, can you believe it? Four months and we still haven't listed a single item in either one of our stores. It's embarrassing. But we'll let you know when we finally stock the virtual shelves!


  1. That is fantastic!

    Good luck, hope you sell lots'n'lots!

  2. what a great adaptation! I love it!

  3. I just discovered this blog on accident while trying to find a tutorial on diva dishwashing gloves (which I found on this blog!!!) And I'm in love. Everything you do is fabulous and your tutorials are so simple and easy to follow along, even to a beginner crafter like me. Thanks so much!!

  4. love the idea...this will make great gifts!

  5. great idea! I'm really enjoying your tutorials a lot, keeps me inspired, thanks so much!

  6. Wow that is great! What a fun craft!

  7. OK. You talked me into it. I've been thinking of making oven mitts for my friends, but I was afraid they would be lame. Now I know they can be absolutely fantastic thanks to you, and I'm going to do it! Thanks!!!

  8. I really love your site! I'm gonna have to try some of these things now!

  9. oh my gosh I love this place!

    Thanks for coming to visit me earlier by the way!!

    Im excited to be crafty!!

  10. I've always wanted to sign up for a craft booth, but never have. I spend to much time second guessing myself. I love the bath mit idea.

  11. Your blog is SO adorable! I only went back 3 pages because I was overwhelmed by cuteness. I sure hope I can do some of your amazing projects!!

  12. I just found your site and all I have to say is Wow! This has to be my favorite so far. I'm taking your link and putting it on my blog and then I'm coming back often to try all of your ideas!

  13. Great idea for gift, especially with Christmas coming. I will definately be making some of these. I posted a tutorial at my blog for making your Christmas gift tags from recycled greeting cards. Here's the link

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Love this bath mitt! I was searching for a How To on bath mitts and that is how I found your blog. Can you tell me if quilting on the top is mandatory?

    Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate it. Best wishes with your project.
