Friday, July 25, 2008

a little birdie told me. . .

. . .a BIG secret. Three friends, Stacy, Mandy, and Jessica, decided to create a crafting/cooking/tip blog to share all the fun ideas and projects they were finding while feeding their hobby addictions. And you've found it! Welcome to our new blog. Little Birdie Secrets is a place for us to post projects we've made or seen in books and on the internet (plus some step-by-step tutorials), recipes and cooking tips, crafts to do with your kids, money-saving ideas, and other fun things we've come across. We don't think these should be kept secret, so we're going to share them with you!

A little about the three little birdies: We live in the Seattle, WA area and have to find lots of fun things to do indoors while the weather is crummy nine months out of the year. So we love to make things with our kids, try out new projects, share recipes, bargain shop, and be the most creative women we can be. Mandy loves papercrafting, scrapbooking, sewing, and quilting, plus lots of other things she doesn't have time to do with two silly boys under her feet pretending to be dinosaurs or fire-breathing dragons. Stacy is a craft-aholic and can make anything she tries (she says she'll try anything once!), even with three busy kids (four if you count her husband). She has the greatest stash of EVERYTHING, including fabric, art supplies, adhesives, and notions. She exudes creativity. Jessica says she doesn't have a crafty bone in her body, but she has a great sense of style and is exceptionally talented in the kitchen. Plus she has two sweet little taste-testers that keep her on her toes. She boasts a huge recipe collection and tons of great tips for everything from freezer dinners to homemade jam. Believe me, the girl knows good food.

So that's us. Thank you for taking the time to visit our nest. We plan to give you something creative every day and hope you'll keep us on your list of must-read blogs. Watch for prizes and giveaways, and if you'd rather buy than try a project, check out our Etsy stores soon for some of the "extras" we make while trying new things. And if your friends want to know where all these creative ideas are coming from, tell them a little birdie told you about!


  1. This is a great blog, I'm already addicted to reading all the old posts!

    Thanks for sharing all these projects/ideas! :o)

  2. Ok, I found your blog a few days ago and in my spare time I have been clicking "older posts" until I've finally read the whole thing! Totally bookmarking you guys. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am so glad I found you all as I blog hopped around today :o) I love all the craft posts I have seen already here!

    I like to go to a first post and see how or why or what it was that got a blog started.

    I am now following @ #9867! And am adding Little Birdie Secrets to my sidebar.

    Blessings & Aloha!
