Wednesday, March 27, 2013

wrapping paper & ribbon organizer {video tutorial for joann fabrics & crafts}

I hate public speaking. HATE it. In fact I told my husband we can never move again because every time we move they ask us to speak in church. Which turns out to be 15 minutes of me bawling and blowing snot bubbles from the pulpit while everyone in the congregation looks on, horrified. So imagine my dread when I was asked to be on camera not once but TWICE in the same week. And I presume I was supposed to be excited to be asked. I was honored, but not happy. Terrified. Mortified. The very thought of my speaking in front of a camera makes my stomach churn. But I'm also a people pleaser and I have an extremely difficult time turning down anything that has to do with crafting, so as a result here is video one of two (two will be seen on sometime next month).

This is a video I made for JoAnn Fabrics' YouTube campaign to promote Creativity Made Simple. I made this wrapping paper and ribbon organizer for my craft room (which is currently under construction). I think it will look nice on my wall and get some of my supplies out of the closet. Several other craft bloggers have also teamed up with JoAnn to show you simple but creative projects on JoAnn's YouTube channel, so check them out, too. Oh yeah, and the blogger with the most video views will win a $100 JoAnn gift card for their self AND for one of their readers! So watch it for a chance to win, but don't judge. My awkwardness is hard to watch, but hopefully the information is helpful. Hey, I never said I was a movie star!

Wrapping Paper & Ribbon Organizer Tutorial
Thanks for watching! Here's a 40% coupon for JoAnn for you to use through the end of the month. Enjoy!


  1. I love this idea! My ribbons are overflowing in my craft room and I've been trying to figure out the best way to store them.

    I thought you did a great job on the video :)

  2. I don't know why you were so worried Mandy. I think you did a wonderful job with this video! I love the project, what a great idea.

    Elaine Allen

  3. It's such a shame you hate public speaking so much, because you are a natural, if I didn't know, I would have thought you love it and do it all the time. It was a great tutorial, thanks.

  4. You did a great job making this video and your idea is wonderful! Thanks so much and I hope the next one is easier for you!!!
