Friday, May 25, 2012

mod podge rocks book giveaway

Who doesn't love Mod Podge? It is a great medium for decoupage, and can basically be used to glue things or as a finish. Basically, it's just awesome. There is a blog, Mod Podge Rocks and the creator, Amy Anderson has a book out devoted to projects using Mod Podge! It is called Mod Podge Rocks! Decoupage Your World.
This is a great book that features over 40 simple, inexpensive decoupage projects that showcase the versatility of this product. If you have never worked with Mod Podge before this is a great introduction with such fun projects and crafts to get you started! The beginning of the book offers a complete guide to Mod Podge, an overview of all the varieties and which ones are best to use for which projects. What a great help!

Mod Podge Rocks! Decoupage Your World is such a fun book and it's also inexpensive! It would also make a great gift for that crafty person in your life.

Today, we are giving away one copy of this fabulous book to our readers! Simply leave a comment telling us what Mod Podge project you have done, or if you are completely new to Mod Podge and want to try it out! For a second entry, post about this giveaway on Facebook and leave us another comment saying you did. Make sure you leave a way for us to contact you! This giveaway will end Tuesday, May 29th at 11:59pm PT.


  1. This past Christmas, I used Mod Podge to make coasters for a few presents! They turned out great and were a huge hit with the family!

  2. I've never heard of Mod Podge till moving to the states late last year and to me its still somewhat of a mystery especially as to what really can be done with it so this book would be a great place to start. Enter me please!

  3. I love Mod Podge! A few years ago I was using Mod Podge to cover wooden boxes in trendy paper, and lining the inside with velvet - instant jewelry box!

  4. I used Mod Podge to decorate a serving tray that I had with photos. It turned out really cute!

  5. I also shared the link on Facebook.

  6. I used the photo mod podge (I think that's what it's called!) to make a photo canvas for my parent's anniversary!

  7. I have never used it before, but have come across some projects that I've considered but never ventured on doing. And at Hobby Lobby yesterday I was tempted to get some because they had a big end display!

  8. I decopaged a small nightstand with vintage sheet music!

  9. I've never used it but would love to try it out!

  10. I just used it to cover some tall metal canisters to turn into boredom jars for my boys.

  11. I think my recent favorite has been using Mod Podge to put stickers back on some very old real little people toys. Awesome stuff!

  12. I mod podged paper onto blocks to make cute stocking holders for Christmas this year.

  13. I haven't used it yet but I want to make an old mirror I got from my grandma look new!

  14. This Mother's day I mod podged pictures to some wooden frames & they came out awesome! I have also used it to adhere pretty scrapbook paper to cereal boxes to hold my magazines.

  15. I Mod Podged all the million magnets on my fridge to give them a more uniform look. And I'll be trying the photo canvas diy this weekend.

  16. I recently just bought my own jar of Mod Podge to make my own photo canvases at home :)

  17. I'm a long time fan of Mod podge, always make sure I have some in. Would be great to see some more inspiration for using it. Hugs lin

  18. Posted to Facebook. Sadly I have a bottle of Mod Podge, but have NEVER used it. (embarassing) Maybe if I get my hands on this book I can finally crack open that bottle! :-)

  19. Forgot--my email is

  20. I've made jewelry pendants using hardware washers, scrapbook paper and ModPodge.

  21. I have never used ModPodge, but I have Pinned plenty of projects that I would love to try!

  22. i have a post on my blog where i used mod podge to makeover a jewelry box. also used it to hold in some glitter for christmas ornaments. i found a washer on the ground yesterday i plan to cover with pretty paper for a necklace. and last. im planning to make a doll crib out of cardboard and using mod podge in the process.

  23. I'm new to it - but I have many modge podge ideas pinned!

  24. I just used it to cover some big letters with cute paper for my kids doors to their rooms

  25. I've decorated a bowl with pictures of food from magazines for a gift. I also made a lamp shade from a doily.

  26. I have never used Mod Podge. Which is somewhat pathetic, as I own some. Clearly, I need this book!

  27. I love me some mod podge! I've made frames, trays, holiday decorations, metal stars covered in paper...I love it!

  28. I've used Mod Podge to cover wooden frames with cute paper. Love the stuff!

  29. I've never Mod Podged and I want to!!!!!
    themrsward at yahoo dot com

  30. My husband built our girls a doll house for Christmas. It has different levels, so it stands about 4 feet tall. But I used Mod Podge to adhere scrapbook paper to the walls (wallpaper). Turned out cute!

  31. I LOVE Mod Podge!! I have made lots of things with it. Magnets and picture frames to name a couple. Would love to win this book!!

  32. I love Modge Podge. My favorite project was using it with fabric to cover paper mache boxes. I've made several stacks of these boxes and they look great!

  33. I use tons of Mod Podge creating She Art canvases. Love it!

  34. I mod podged some denim ballet flats with teal glitter.

    rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

  35. I don't know alot about Modge Podge but I would love to try it.

  36. I have made jewelry, artwork, and all kinds of things. I would love this book!!

  37. I need this book! I use Mod Podge to glue and to seal my ATCs and other rubberstamped artwork.

  38. At us it isn't possible to buy this wonder and for ages I am dreaming in order to try them out...

  39. I have made LOTS of items with Mod Podge, but my favorite is a dresser I decorated with scrapbook paper - turned out so cute :) Thanks for the chance!

  40. I have used Mod Podge to glitterize some flats.

  41. I just used mod podge for the first time a few months ago. It's pretty cool stuff! I would LOVE to win this book to see even more cool ways to use it!
    rawtruegrit at hotmail dot com

  42. I have used it on frames, to make decorative chargers for holidays and to create a wall hanging out of photos :)

    aclapper1 at gmail dot com

  43. I mod podged craft paper onto canvases- instant statement art. Love it!

  44. I love Mod Podge! I've covered shelves, trays, plates, jewlry, cups, etc.!

  45. Years ago I sent my husband to the store to pick up some Mod Podge and he told me that the sales clerk told him it was no longer made. I never shed a tear. I knew it had to be a lie. I love you, mod podge.

  46. my favorite mod podge projects are fun signs. thanks,

  47. I'm new to mod podge, but can't wait to try it out!

  48. I'm new to Mod Podge, bought a jar last year and still haven't used it because I am afraid to try!


  49. Im new to mod podge but I want to mod podge the top of an old desk with vintage papers for my 1st project.

  50. I use Mod Podge to cover tin cans with decorative paper. They are great for holding pens, scissors or even toothbrushes!

  51. Canvas art---use the Mod Podge to adhere paper letters/designs, etc cut by my cricut. Great for holidays and gifts.

  52. I've clear plates mod podged with napkins. Thanks for the chance to win this great book!

  53. I've used Mod Podge to upcycle some old heels into glitter shoes! They are fabulous :)


  54. I used Mod Podge to seal all the glitter on my daughter's shoes. This way they look better longer and the glitter doesn't end up on my hubby's suits!

  55. What haven't I used it for?!? :) Let's see the latest thing was for clothespins we adhered construction paper to, with mod podge, and decorated and sealed, with mod podge, for our Mother's Day gift. (I teach Kindergarten) :)

    lorepuckett at verizon dot net

  56. I used my cricut to cut out the letters of my son's name then I used Mod Podge to attach them onto canvas.

  57. I use ModPodge to cover clipboards
    scrugglenamp at aol dot com

  58. I am new to mod podge, but I know I would want to do some sort of canvas of my family for the family room.

  59. I used it to make a frame for my husband for father's day.

  60. I used it to seal material on a plastic bottle.

  61. I used Mod Podge to make blocks as photography props, only these weren't ABC blocks, they were made with pictures from "Dick and Jane" books!

  62. I decorated paint cans using Mod Podge to adhere and seal the papers and embellishments!!! Would love to see new projects in the book.

  63. I have never used this but my sister has and she raved about it! Please enter me as I'd love to try it!

  64. Would love a book with tips for using it! I have used it just a few times and love the idea but am intimidated by it, haha

  65. I own a jar of modge podge because people have told me I should have it, but I've never actually used it. I would love a book to help me!

  66. I love modge podge !!! I have used it on some fabric projects

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  67. I use Mod Podge all the time! Just today I used it to create an art journal page about one of my children who happens to be a phenomenal saxophonist!

  68. I'd never heard of Mod Podge until seeing this post's title. Consequently, I clicked to read on just to find out what it was (and why it rocked).
    After seeing all the finished projects and ideas on Amy Anderson's blog, I'd love to give it a go myself!

    So please enter me in the giveaway. :)
    Contact: pipfoley(at)

  69. I have used it EVERYWHERE! Literally! I've made earrings by cutting sheets of cork in various shapes and sealed paper napkins with mod podge, I've made fridge magnets using domino pieces and various paper scraps and so much more! I love it!!!

  70. I only recently discovered mod podge and used it to cover the outside of some vintage suitcases with worked a treat so would love to try out some more projects xx
    Jane from

  71. I used mod podge to make votives out of baby jars. :) Love the stuff!

  72. I used Modge Podge on some wooden Christmas ornaments we made last year.

  73. I also shared a link on Facebook.

  74. Posted the giveaway on facebook.

  75. Oh My Gosh, I use Modge Podge all the time!

    My most recent project was a menu board I made for my sisters kitchen :)

  76. I love ModPodge and I've used it for about a million projects. Ok, maybe not a million... most recently I used it as clear coat to seal a mirror I had bordered in little rolled magazine pegs.

  77. I did some modge podge pictures and would love to do more with it! thanks!

  78. I use Mod Podge to make prayer shrines out of Altoids tins. I use pretty paper on the outside and prints of my husband's icons inside. I can't live without the stuff!

  79. In the art quilt group I was in, I believe we used Mod Podge to transfer a magazine picture onto fabric. Who would have guessed!?! But, I don't own any & would love to be chosen to have this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

  80. I'm a lover of Mod Podge as well. I have used it for sealing an inside coffee table, covering a bird house with fabric, sealing down lace doilies on a decorative tray, and much more. I'd love the book.

  81. I love modge podge - my favorite project is coasters.

  82. i mod podged a letter "M" with scrapbook paper for my daughter's 1st birthday

  83. The last project I used modge podge for was Santa Shoe box project for underprivilaged children where I live in South Africa. I tried to make the boxes durable as often that is the only thing they have to store items in. I used stickers and patternered papers layered with modge podge.

    Alisonl66 at hotmail dot com

  84. A couple of years ago, several friends and I got together for a "Crafting Party" where each guest brought a pre-made craft and enough supplies for all the guests to make and take home a project like the sample. My project was decorated clipboards. ModPodge worked great to apply the colored papers to the clipboard and to seal the final project. The shiney finish when dried adds just the final touch to make the project look perfect.

  85. i love to use modge podge make my fabric stick to the item that i am covering , cant live with out the stuff my email is

  86. I haven't used modge podge much but I recently made a count down calendar with it. I would love Amy's book.

    b_n_b amy at hotmail dot com

  87. I love Mod Podge and use it on everything!! My latest project was covering wooden letters with pretty paper and adding them to a hand painted picture frame. It made such a nice baby shower gift. Thanks for the chance to win Amy's new book (love her!!) AJ@queenofmynest

  88. I use Mod Podge in everything... to seal marble tile coasters, canvas artwork, as a plain old glue... you name it!


  89. I am new to Mod Podge but I started following their blog and pinterest and I am inspired.

  90. I have not yet used Modge Podge but now feel a creative urge to explore. I'm entering this giveaway as winning this book would be an incredible inspirational boost! Thanks for the opportunity.

  91. Modge Podge is so awesome! I have used it to make coasters with scrapbook paper and 4x4 canvas and I used it to put scraps of some of my favorite fabrics on canvas to decorate my sewing/crafting room. Woo hoo! I'd love this book!

  92. i am a mod podge virgin ... that's not to say i don't own any (*people* convince me to purchase it OR a project looks so fun i buy a jar1) i own two jars but have never ventured into the mod podge world ... this book would be awesome for me to learn about the many varieties ... soooo ... pick me, pick me, pick me!!! LOL ....

    thanks for the giveaway .... darlene

  93. Love mod podge. I use it to make mosaics on canvas with small pieces of paper. Then I paint over the whole piece with mod podge. I made several Christmas gifts that way last year.

  94. I've used modge podge for making signs. I love this stuff. You can use it for a lot of things.

  95. I have done so many things with Modge Podge in the past! It's great stuff! But the most memorable are The Beatles Shadow Box type Clipboard I made for myself to hang on my wall at work and the jewelry box I made for my fiancee. I found this really cool box and put all sorts of New York things all over the box because that is where is from! He loved it! And I love this stuff, and this book would be an awesome addition to my world!

  96. I've actually only used it once- to cover 2 Altoids boxes with printed paper. However, I'd love to do more with it.

  97. I used ModPodege to adhere and seal in silver foil to a old ceramic plate, it turned out amazing!!! Who knew Podge was so awesome?

  98. Last year I used Mod Podge to cover a clipboard with pretty scrapbooking paper. I keep it in the living room and I use it every day - it looks great! Thanks for a great product!

  99. I love mod podge. I use it to decorate frames.

  100. I love Mod Podge and can't wait to see what kind of projects this book has in it.


  101. i'm a modpodge wiz! the last thing i used it on was... a photo plaque! thanks for the giveaway! pale blue apron at gmail dot com

  102. A few weeks ago I decoupaged a wooden bill holder with an old vintage magazine ad and Mod Podge! You can see it here at: under "Fun With Decoupage" . This book would be so much fun to win- thanks!

  103. I have used ModPodge for a few projects and it has been excellent. I used it for covering coasters, a photo album and bits for my kids rooms. My teenage daughter wants to decoupage the fronts of her boring white bedside table and shelf to match. I it is on our to-do list as a project. I would love to own this book and expect it will have heaps of ideas that I haven't even dreamed of.

  104. I used Mod Podge to make bottle vases. Would love to win this book for more tip projects!

  105. Mod Podge has helped me make a recipe board display for my kitchen!

  106. I used Mod Podge to make really pretty glass stones with photos from my catalog showing through. I also peeled off the sticker from my liquid hand soap and Mod Podged a photo on the back of it. It shows through when I get low on my soap! I have so many more projects brewing in my mind too. I would love this book for inspiration... so many people entered though... :(

  107. I am completely new to modge podge...I feel like I am the only one! I have always wanted to try it, just never sure what to do...this book would be a great way to get me started!!!

  108. I have used it to make coasters and magnets. I still want to try the washer necklaces but haven't yet. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!

  109. I've been covering Samuel Adams beer boxes with fabric and Mod Podge to use as storage in my craft rooms. Things look SO much better here now!

    Thx for the chance to win.

  110. I love using the dimensional Mod Podge to make pendants.

  111. I just redid I wooden frame with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge!

  112. I have not used it yet, but I am getting inspired.

  113. I don't think I have enough Time to say how much I'm used Mod Podge! I Have made letter blocks for holidays and gifts, Sealed off pages and redecorated boxes with paper. LOVE This Stuff!!

  114. I love modge podge!! And duct tape! Maybe in the book there is something I can do with them together!

  115. I've never done any decoupage. I'd love to try it and I'd love to have a book with how to and some ideas.

  116. You just got to love Mod Podge!
    Some of my mod podge projects can be seen here:

    Have fun!!

  117. ... And posted the giveaway on fb


  118. I LOVE Mod Podge and Amy's blog! I have used Mod Podge to make coasters, prayer boxes, flower pots, I've covered a table top in paper scraps with Mod Podge, I've re-done a locker (for storage in my scrap room), I've sealed the tops of scrapbooks with it, I've made frig magnets, wooden serving trays! I'm sure I've forgotten something because I use it alot!

  119. My husband collects masks so I made him a "Talking Head" mask for Christmas. I cut out words from magazines and collaged them all over a mask form. It's very cool.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  120. Done couple of projects with home made version(fridge magnets) but have heard a lot about the real stuff that is Modge Podge......really need to try it.....

  121. Mod Podge is so fun! I have used it to recover glass jar lids with fabric.

  122. I use it when layering on my canvases sometimes. And I've used dimensional magic too. :o)

  123. I use Mod Podge when I make custom clip boards. Thanks for the great giveaway

  124. I just made some wall art using Mod Podge by applying pieces of cut out scrapbook paper :) LOVE this stuff!

  125. Believe it or not I MP'd my molding. I found this dark green faux milk paint that I loved in a Restore, so I painted the molding in my dining room. But even faux milk paint isn't very durable, so I used MP hard coat to protect it. Worked like a charm.

  126. I have done over 100 coasters for a wedding favors. The same wedding, we painted all of the sunflowers with the glitter decopauge. I have made little canvas magnets for mothers day and made over shoe boxes for pretty storage. I would love this book for more ideas. Tina at yelowrozen at yahoo dot com.

  127. I've used it on so many projects! The biggest one was when I was a teenager. I decoupaged the top of my desk with magazine clippings and photos of my friends and me.

  128. I shared on FB:!/AmandaMoutos/posts/549736553376

  129. I used this ModPodge and it brought my husband together on a rainy day to do a craft and I've been itching t use it again and do moreccrafts with my hubby the QT mod podges us together lol

  130. I own several jars of Mod Podge and have never tried it! Would love some ideas on what to use it for.

  131. Used modpodge to keep peeling paint down, and smooth it on an old cabinet door - then I cut vinyl to add a bible verse for a wall hanging! It turned out beautiful!

  132. The last Mod Podge project was making "stained glass" candles for a women's retreat with tissue paper.

  133. I mod podged some photos onto boards

    carolinejaco at gmail dot com

  134. I have mod podged scrapbook paper onto huge cardboard letters for my girls room

  135. i am making glass tile pendants today with mod podge :) love it!


  136. I have done coasters and magnets with Mod Podge but would love more ideas. It's so addictive once you use it!

  137. most recently I have used it to make some tiles into pretty coasters. Would love more ideas!

  138. I mod podged clipboards for school teacher Christmas gifts this past year.

  139. i have done several small projects with mod podge, and am now working on a huge one. i am collecting old beer and liquor labels to mod podge to my husbands old nasty table.

  140. I Mod Podge paper collages on paper mache and cigar boxes. Love that stuff and have used it for years! -Amy B.

  141. I like to make altered clipboards with mod podge.

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  142. I have some Mod Podge but haven't used it. I can't even remember what I bought it for originally! :(

  143. I haven't used it yet, but I have so many projects in mind!
