Wednesday, August 4, 2010

our NEW silhouette winner!

We're sorry that our first Silhouette winner was unable to contact us in time to receive her prize, but we're happy for our new winner! Congratulations to. . .

Lisa of Fountain of Youth!

We're glad Lisa included her e-mail address in her entry--we've already sent her an e-mail to let her know about her prize! (Hopefully she'll be able to respond within the next two weeks so we don't have to pick a third winner.) Thanks to everyone who entered! And if you broke down and bought a machine after our Silhouette-extravaganza, we want to see what you're doing with it!


  1. I about had a heart attack right here at work-- Lisa won!!!! And I saw it was not me, but another Lisa. Poop.

    Congrats to the OTHER Lisa!

  2. YAY!! I just sent you an email with my address. Thanks so much!

  3. Hey I love your blog!! I just stumbled up on it. I will be back for updates!! thanks for the posts.

  4. Congrats Lisa!
    If you decide you really don't need it I'll be happy to take it off your hands!
    Cuz I'm nice like that!
