Tuesday, July 6, 2010

relay for life giveaway - support a great cause!

We are happy to bring you a great giveaway today for a very worthy cause. Here's a note from our reader Cindy:

My 6 year old niece, Sirri, was diagnosed with cancer almost 2 years ago and is thankfully a survivor today! She had a potato sized tumor in her tiny little chest squeezed in between her heart and lungs. It is truly a miracle and act of God that she is alive today. But our family also cannot go without recognizing the efforts of the American Cancer Society. Sirri's and my sister's family's experience was made so much lighter because of the efforts of the American Cancer Society. They do so much for those suffering with and the families of those suffering with cancer. But they would not be able to do half of what they do without the help of ordinary people donating and raising funds through various events like the Relay For Life.

We have a goal of raising $5,000 as a team for Relay For Life. In an effort to do my part, I set up an Etsy shop and have made earrings, necklaces, and hair pins out of buttons and my shop is called "Button of Hope." 100% of my proceeds will go directly to the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.

To help advertise Cindy's shop of very cute items so she can raise money to "kick cancer in the bum" as she says, we're hosting a giveaway for her! Check out her Etsy shop, Button of Hope, then leave us a comment with either your favorite item, or with a note about how cancer has touched your life. You could win a necklace, pair of earrings, and a hair pin! Be sure to enter by Monday, July 12th at 11:59pm PT. While you're there, help support the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life by purchasing one of her adorable creations.


  1. I love this I think the Hannah Earrings are very cute. My mom passed of lung cancer before anny of my boys were born I wish they met her

  2. I love the Dusty Pink Crysanthemum Earrings! In fact, I am going to purchase some right now! =)

  3. What a wonderful giveaway & cause!
    Bless little adorable!

    And a new Etsy shop to shop in? Yay!

    I am a nurse, I work at a hospital & cancer center. Every single day is heartbreaking knowing the diagnoses of patients with invasive and untreatable cancer. The hardest part is seeing the young girls, boys, men & women that are palliative, weeks to days to live. The flip side to that is the rewarding days knowing you are doing everything you can to make their last few months, weeks, days as easy and as memrable as possible...

    Cancer is a terrible thing & Relay for Life is a FANTASTIC cause!

  4. Everything is super cute! My favorite, though, is the tenley necklace.
    I will definitely be purchasing some cute jewelry from Cindy.

  5. This is so good. I will be linking to this post in my post tonight. Thank you!

  6. The Abby Necklace and Earrings are darling. I love the way you are approaching fund raising. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer I cried for days. As she went through her treatment we learned laughter was the best medicine and we attribute her positive attitude with her remission.

  7. I LOVE the Lara earrings! They're so cute! As a daughter of a cancer survivor, I'm thrilled to see such great causes like Cindy's "Buttons of Hope." (Since my dad had prostate cancer, it's especially rewarding to "kick cancer in the butt!")

  8. I love the Abby necklace! My baby's name is Abby. I lost an uncle to cancer and fellow church members to cancer. It is truly devastating how cancer ravishes the body.

  9. oh the Lisa earrings are so cute!

  10. What a great way to raise money for such a wonderful cause! My favorite are the Lara Earrings.

    When I was in 3rd grade, my best friend died from cancer. Since then, I have also an aunt and my 2 grandfathers to cancer. But, I also have friends and family who are survivors of cancer. My Grandmother is currently finishing up chemo, and is doing pretty well so far. :-)

  11. Those Lisa Earrings are fantastic! And a great cause, to boot!

  12. I LOVE the sunny necklace. Just this morning, my friend's mom died of cancer. The mom had 9 adopted children. We were very upset. But we are happy now to help "kick cancer in the bum"!

  13. I like the Lisa and Cathryn earrings currently in her shop and those sweet little flowers ones in your post!! What a great way to raise money! :>

  14. I love the Abby Necklace! But everything is SO CUTE that it was hard to pick a FAV! I think it's an awesome cause and I'm glad that I now know about it!

  15. I love the Lara earrings...everything is darling though. Cancer is one of those things that seems to touch everyone, so this is something we should all get behind. My mom lost her best friend to cancer and I lost a high school friend much too young. I hope this giveaway brings lots and lots of traffic to your site! So glad your Sirri is doing so well today!!!!

  16. What a wonderful, wonderful cause!

    My favorite thing I see is the Sheena Hair pin (in her sold items). Very pretty!

  17. What a great cause...cancer has touched both my grandma and my mom. My mom is a survivor and for that we are grateful!

    I love the whole idea of this..supporting American Cancer Society-Relay for Life, families in need, handmade market.

    I have posted about this on my blog in hopes to reach even more and bring joy to others in midst of hard times. You can find it here:


  18. I like the Lisa Earrings! They are so cute! She has so many cute things! =)

  19. Wow, there isn't a single item listed in her shop. That is a good thing, correct?! This is a great cause and I'm so glad Sirri is healthy again.

  20. I love the shop and the cause. Too many people w/ cancer in my life - my mother and grandmother to name two.
    I love the Lisa and Caroline earrings. Thanks

  21. I love the Cathryn Earrings.
    A week ago tomorrow I lost my Mom to breast cancer. She fought so hard for the last 2 years but her cancer was so aggressive and the treatments wore her body out. She was my best friend and it is going to be so hard to be without her.

    Relay has touched our lives too, here is a link to my blog post about Relay for Life this year

  22. I love the Cathryn Earrings.

    I lost my Mom to cancer a week ago. It was a long 2 year battle and she never gave up even once.

    Relay is a great cause and it has touched our life in many wonderful ways. Here is a link to what I got out of Relay this year in my blog.

  23. I love this idea! My grandfather and uncle both died of lung cancer; my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor; and my aunt has been deemed a survivor for seven days!!

    I love the Lara earrings, but all of the items are cute.

    Thanks for the chance!
    epfaulkner at gmail dot com

  24. oohhh SO sweet!
    I am in love with the Abby neck lace!
    I am definatley booking that shop a favorite!

    In case you guys didn't know, I have my own little etsy shop!

  25. I love all of the hair pins.

    I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease (lymphoma) last march, went through 6 months of chemo and came out the other end a better person. I have my hair back now, and I am making the most of it.

    I love the Relay for Life, it is a great fundraiser, and I have participated along with some people from my work. Cancer has touched me in more ways than just going through it myself. But it needs to be gone!

  26. My mom passed away almost a year ago (July 30th) after a yearlong battle with breast cancer. My daughter was 11 months old, and 2 months later, I found out I was pregnant with my son (who is now 5 weeks old). I love and miss her terribly. Cancer sucks. Glad Sirri is okay!
    PS: I heart the Lara earrings. :)

  27. What a great cause and what cute stuff!! I love the Andi hairpins!

  28. I like the Cathryn Earrings. I love to grow out my hair and donate to locks of love. Who knows if it will be me needing that someday. good luck!

  29. wow, I love all the items in her shop, but especially the 'sunny' necklace and earings. x

  30. I just think the Abby collection is adorable. My paternal grandfather passed away due to prostate cancer when I was 12 and just two months ago, my great aunt passed away due to colon cancer. I think what you are doing is great and inspiring. I will certainly be sharing your etsy shop with my friends and family soon.

  31. I love the hannah earrings! Just lost a friends' mom to cancer, and have another friend's family struggling with cancer in 3 of 4 children. thank you for your sacrifice in this!

  32. I love all the items in the shop and I added it as an etsy favorite. I think the crysanthemum earrings that are pictured in this blog post were my favorite. But I love all the buttons, too. They're adorable.

    Cancer is one of those diseases that has tragically struck my life. I have 3 aunts who have passed away from cancer and 1 uncle. On the brighter side, my mother-in-law is a 2-time cancer fighter and survivor. She is truly a miracle and I have so much admiration for her and all she has gone through.

  33. I Love the Hannah earrings and the Andi Hairpins. Super cute!
    I am a survivor of childhood cancer... I would love to support causes that help "kick cancer's bum!" or that support the children and families affected by cancer.
    Love this product and this cause! Thank you to everyone who helps! :)

  34. such a great cause - i feel rotten for getting cute things in return... but count me in! those earrings are darling. Sirri though - SHE IS ADORABLE! So gald to hear she's doing well =)

  35. I love the hair pins! So cute, and for a great cause... what a bonus!

  36. The Cathryn Earrings fit perfectly into my new love of all things orange!
    My Aunt passed away from bone cancer nearly 21 years ago...I can't believe it has been that long.

  37. What a great cause! One of my good friends has been in remission for one year now. Cancer sucks!

  38. What a great way to raise money! Love all of those creations, so cute!

    Cancer sure affects a lot of people... myself included. My grandma died recently of Colon cancer and my husband's mother died of breast cancer when he was young. It's good to see that people are so creative about how to raise money.

  39. Such beautiful stuff!! Cancer has effected my family so much! My grandfather died not too long ago from it. It's an awful disease. Relay for life is AWESOME!

  40. I really like the 'aubry' hair pin. Adorable. What a worthy cause.

  41. What a great cause, and what a great Etsy shop idea! I love the Abby earrings/hair pin//necklace. Thank you for this giveaway.

    gallyslp at msn dot com

  42. I love love love the cute little button earrings. So darling! I love the Lisa or the Lara ones especially but I would be grateful with any.

  43. I like everything there but if I had to choose it'd be the Cathryn Earrings. ;)

  44. I just LOVE the Dusty Pink Crysanthemum Earrings. Great giveaway! My great grandma passed away a little over a year ago from bone cancer.

  45. I love the button hair things.

    I just found out today that my little 2-yr-old niece has cancer. Heart wrenching for our family, but fortunately her particular kind (leukemia) has a very high survival rate. I'm so glad you shared this site. Cancer has hit close to home before, but never this close.

  46. I love the Lisa earrings. I have a sweater with that exact swirl! Thanks for the chance to learn about Button of Hope.

  47. This is such a great idea and a fantastic cause! I'm eying the lisa earrings. They are adorable!

    jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

  48. I love the Chrysanthemum earrings the most and I hope there are lots of purchases made cuz cancer really does suck! I lost a cousin to Leukemia, skin cancer runs on my dad's side of the family, lost both grandpas to cancer, lots of friends and some family affected by breast cancer, and just recently lost an aunt to lung cancer (but she had already had her voicebox removed due to throat cancer). Boo to cancer!! Big BOO!!
