Tuesday, January 5, 2010

almost famous - our new commercial!

We recently told you that Stacy was contacted by Microsoft to be featured in one of their "Real Life Stories" commercials for their Office 2010 campaign. Hello, of course she said yes! So one day in November an 8-person camera crew took over her house and spent 12 hours following her around and filming her. Being the sweet friend that she is, she invited Jess and I over to be a part of the filming, and we all made the final cut! In fact, the entire commercial is about this very blog! It was such a fun experience, and we were so pleased with the result. It really captures our adventures in blogging, and Stacy did such a great job explaining just why we do what we do. So without further ado, here it is. And don't worry--we'll remember all our readers when we become BIG stars. ;)

(Cue dramatic award music here) We want to especially thank our Microsoft production liaison Kris (we told you about his band last month--he's awesome!) and the entire production crew who were so patient and professional, Stacy's mom Barbara for keeping all the kids quiet with nothing more than french fries in a tiny bathroom during filming, Marta from Creative Yarn whose crochet pictures are featured from one of our past posts, Tamara from Lasting Memories who created the recipe tin featured, and our dear friends Melynie and Kayleen, who really did all the work on the bulk chocolate order. We couldn't have done it without you!


  1. Wow! That is super exciting. I love it and you are so computer savvy as well. Congrats on the commercial.

  2. That was very Awesome!!!
    I LOVE your blog!!

  3. HOw fun is that! It's incredible what us gals can do today!!! Good for you!!! You all deserve it!

  4. Oh my goodness that was awesome! I have goosebumps! Way to go!!!! So very cool indeed!

  5. Wow, way to go ladies!! Great commercial! Your blog is awesome, so glad I found it!

  6. that was such a good clip! I love your last line about it being cheaper than therapy! That sums it up!

  7. Stacy, this is fantastic! I'm glad your blog is getting so much attention!

  8. Woo-hoo! That's AWESOME. Congrats, the commercial looks great and what fantastic exposure for your fantastic blog!

  9. How cool and exciting for you !

  10. that is so awesome!! kind of like a peak behind the screen! cool!

  11. Adorable and inspiring! Thank you for all you do!

  12. Yay, congrats! So cute! You're famous, yay for you! You guys are awesome, and you totally deserve it!

  13. Congratulations Little Birdie's!! This is wonderful!! Great spot. Love your blog and follow you on FB!!


  14. That is so amazing! Congrats to you guys, too cool!

  15. Holy Crap! Did I not just tell you guys yesterday that you are famous?!! Love it! So awesome!

  16. So proud of you guys! You look good on camera too! Great commercial!

  17. You already are "big" and "famous." I'm so happy for all your success. You guys deserve it!!!

  18. Congrats! You gals are amazing!

  19. Isn't life full of surprises...wonderful!

  20. This is so inspirational. I love that you have created something so wonderful from something you love. You were one of the first blogs I found and was absolutely enamored with. Thanks for all the wonderfulness!!!

  21. SO FUN!! Maybe you should have a sister blog and teach us how to use technology!! :D

    Congrats and here's to a crafty 20-10!!

  22. I love it and love your blog! Well done!

  23. exciting! Congrats, it turned out awesome!

  24. This was a great commercial! I just want to say that I love your site, too. Thanks for all of the inspiration.

  25. Thats so cool! Did they at least give you all a free copy of the software?? :)

  26. woo hoo!!! what a great commercial! I love those "real life" commercials that show real people using their products.
    Congrats! I bet you'll be getting MUCHO hits when it airs!!!

  27. yay! that was great! my son saw the little picture that the commercial starts with (fraken-pop) and said, "robot? what's that robot doin', mommy?" he's two. haha. cute.

    the commercial turned out GREAT!

  28. I want to cry that was so awesome! Way to go guys!!!!

  29. What an awesome commercial. You all look great. This is well deserved!

  30. Congratulations on your commercial! It is so great to be recognized and you both definately deserve it!!!
    Oh my goodness. I am so glad I watched your commmercial. I had no idea that you could make blog posts from Office. That is going to come in so handy! I will have to figure this one out for sure. Office is so much easier for me to use than blogger. THANK YOU so much! This will change everything for my blog. Thank you thank you thank you

  31. Yay for you guys! I feel like I know someone famous now. :) Keep up the fabulous work!

  32. that is such a great commercial! I always wondered if they used real people or just actors. That is so cool guys!!!

  33. WOW!!! What a great commercial! So that's how you come up with the ideas =)

  34. That was a great commercial - you should all be very proud. You are my FAVORITE blog!

  35. This is so cool! Congrats on making it big time. ;) You girls look great!

  36. HOW AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see it on TV so I can say "I know her"... well, sorta! :-)

  37. Golly gee willickers...that was just so super de duper cool. Loved it...
    Congrats to you all!!

  38. I finally got a chance to check out the's great ! Congrats on all you guys do !

  39. Just think, I'm related to you! Does that make me famous too? I wish. I loved it! I really need to come out and visit you and your family sometime! Love ya! Marisa
