Friday, July 24, 2009

when life gives you cherries...

...make Cherry Pie Filling!!
I was thrilled to order some organic cherries from a local farmer. The order came in when I was out of town, but I thought for sure they would be fine until I got back. Unfortunately, I was wrong. It's been so hot here that the cherries barely made it. They were so ripe. I was sad that I wouldn't have any for my salads or just to eat--they needed to be dealt with right away. Not one to cry over over-ripe cherries, I decided to roll up my sleeves and with the help of Mandy, we turned those super ripe cherries into yummy cherry-almond pie filling. ( has a great recipe with pictures!) Now I have pie filling to last me through the year and with a little paper and ribbon, a few housewarming gifts on hand, too. Thank goodness for wonderful friends like Mandy and Google for instant cherry pie filling recipes.


  1. Thank you, thank you for posting this. I just made some Plum jam tonight, and was trying to think of some creative way to show my culinary skills off. It is adorable, and kudos to you for being inventive instead of giving up.

  2. Have been pottering around and about and had to stop to say - loving the top tips and know how!

  3. I'm so glad you didn't cry over ripe cherries!! Cute packaging!

  4. I love the beautiful jar. How yummy.

  5. I have apple and peach pie fillings I make for canning. Thanks for posting the link because I can't think of anything better to add than cherry pie filling.

  6. Wow that sounds so yummy, and i love the details on the jar! I love the PYO website. They have instructions for preserving just about everything!

  7. oh yum! :) thanks for sharing!

  8. Such a cute jar!! -I bet what's inside is just as good!

  9. This is so cute, and really a great gift to give someone else! THanks :)

  10. What a great way to use them! Any chance you have some good recipes for an overabundance of apples? My tree is going crazy and the apple pie filling recipe I tried last year wasn't that great...

  11. loving the paper on the filling. where did you find it?

  12. I pulled it out of a large paper pack I purchased at Michaels.
