Thursday, July 30, 2009

bleachy keen - turning your bleach accident into a fashion statement

Our friend Lee Ann is one of the most positive people I know. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. Recently she was cleaning her bathroom and got a spot of bleach on her new gray t-shirt. Instead of banishing it to the sleepwear drawer like I would, she decided to make the most of her "mistake."

Adding a little chlorine bleach to a spray bottle, she lightly sprayed the t-shirt with bleach. The resulting spots were a cute shade of pink that matched this pink lace tank and cardie perfectly! I know, it brings you back to the '80s when you tried the same concept on your favorite jeans, but really, her shirt looked like she bought it that way. Dar-ling. (I had a better picture of this example, but I accidentally deleted it and can't get it back! Oops.)

The shirt was only $7 at Target, and they of course had other colors. How fun to experiment with each color and a little bleach to see what color combos you can get!


  1. I am definately going to try this! I have ruined many shirts while cleaning with bleach. This is such a great idea! Very clever!

  2. Thank you for this tip! You have a fun blog!

  3. What a completely fabulous idea! I love it. Now I'm tempted to et get a perfectly healthy shirtts and bleach-ify it.

  4. Very cool! When I spill bleach on my shirts (often, as I always forget to NOT wear black, brown or navy blue while working with bleach - you'd think I'd learn...) I take a q-tip and dip it in the bleach and then free hand draw flowers and vines on the shirt. Gives my shirts a very cute batik look, and always hides my sloppy bleach stains!

  5. there was a a lady at girls camp taht did this same thing- only hers was more of a strip of bleach so she painted all over it, it looked like tie-dye, it was SO cute, I would have never thought of it!

  6. That's great. If only I could come up with stylish ways to cover all my blunders and oopsies. : )

  7. What a super idea! I know I have several t-shirts with bleach dots on them...I can't wait to give this little trick a try!

    Thanks for sharing it.

  8. That's great! You might be interested in a tutorial I posted today on my blog about bleaching t-shirts. We did this for our girls camp shirts just last week. Here's the url:

  9. GREAT IDEA! why ever not! Thanks for sharing

  10. That is SO awesome. I have had that happen a few times but didn't know what to do with the shirt. I MUST try that idea. Tell your friend she is the best.
