Friday, May 22, 2009

sloppy joe turnovers

For Christmas every year my mom makes a big feast of treats for all to enjoy throughout the day. We all get to pick some of our favorites for her to make. For as long as I can remember my mom has made these tasty turnovers at every holiday celebration. They are a favorite with everyone in my family and they are so delicious. The perfect thing about them is they are filling enough to feel like you ate something substantial instead of just pigging out on the sweets. Every time I have made these for guests or to bring to a party, they have been a huge hit! Even the kids love them, and at my house it's pretty challenging to find a recipe that both the parents and kids love.

Sloppy Joe Turnovers

1 lb. ground beef
1/4 c. onion (you can sprinkle in dried, minced onion if you prefer)
1/2 c. ketchup
1/4 c. sour cream
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
10 oz. can refrigerated flaky biscuits

-Heat oven to 375 degrees. Brown ground beef and onion in a skillet. Add ketchup, sour cream, salt and garlic powder. Simmer for 2 minutes. Roll out biscuits (just stretch them out a bit with your hands). Place a heaping spoonful of meat mixture in the center of each biscuit. Fold over the biscuit to cover meat and seal the edges with a fork. Cut a slit on the top of biscuit. Bake turnovers on a cookie sheet for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown on top.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I'm totally making these for dinner this weekend. My husband loves biscuits, and my kid will love helping to make them. Thanks for posting the recipe!

  2. Oh my! this looks absolutely so hungry!

  3. Definetly going to give this a try! The nice thing about this one is, since I'm a vegetarian, I can just pop some veggies into mine, and everyone will be happy!

  4. Totally clever! I am gonna try this one for sure!

  5. Mmmmm, this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing it ;D

  6. Thanks,looks like a great recipe. I'll have my daughter make these soon!!!

  7. Wow - those look delish!! I am going to have to give them a try on my picky eaters! :) They love sloppy joes!

  8. Oh yum, these sounds delicious.

  9. These look & sound so good! Thanks for posting the recipe!

  10. I just have to say THANK YOU!!!

    I made this tonight and it was a HIT!!


    However, since I like mine a bit edgier, I added CUMIN and CHILI POWDER. Man oh man, loved it!!

    I used "flaky rolls" from Pillsbury because we dont have anything else here (Quebec) and it was great. The lightly sweet taste made it work great!!

  11. I made these last night and they were a hit around here! My kids loved them!

    Thank you for sharing!

  12. ooh, i just finished eating these! the kids and i loved them. so easy to make and delicious. thanks for sharing.

  13. i just started my crafting blog and the first entry was about this recipe. hope you'll check it out ;)

  14. I got to learn this!!!!! Terrific!!!
