Monday, November 3, 2008

not your mama's rubber gloves

This is one hilarious project. I love these dish gloves! For the lady that wants to stay fashionable at all times, even while cleaning. Think hostess gifts! Maybe pair them with a matching apron. . .

Not Your Mama's Rubber Gloves Tutorial

What you'll need:

Household rubber gloves (Walmart has white ones, Target has blue--check dollar stores, too)
Oil Cloth (¼ yd. cut is enough)
Ribbon or trim
Sewing machine
Hot glue gun

Okay, let's get started!

1. Put the gloves on and measure around the end (largest part of the glove that is on your arm). You want your finished, pleated oilcloth to be ½ an inch larger than this measurement. My gloves were 10 inches around so I wanted my pleated oilcloth to be 10 ½ inches long.

2. Cut your oilcloth. I cut my oil cloth to be 4 inches wide and approximately 37 inches long. Pleat the oilcloth by making small folds (about 1/4" to 1/2" long) and sewing over the fold across entire piece.

3. Take the short edges of the oil cloth, put them right sides together, and sew them using a ¼" seam. You should now have a ring of pleated oilcloth.

4. Slide the glove onto your sewing machine. Place the oilcloth wrong-side out on the machine over the glove, leaving a 1/2" of glove at the top, and stitch together.

5. This step is optional, but very cute. Use pinking shears to cut the unsewn, bottom edge of the oilcloth.

6. Hot glue coordinating ribbon around the glove, leaving two long tails on the top of the glove (if you want a bow). Tie the tails in a bow. Tip: It's easier to tie the bow if you can have someone else wear the gloves while you do it.

7. Go do those dishes like the hot mama that you are!


  1. thank you thank you thank you!
    Ive been thinking about making some of these as gifts and now I know how!! :)

  2. These are AWESOME and I'm thinking they would make a fun Christmas present for other hot mamma's.

  3. How cute is that? I want to try this, but I know there will be merciless mocking...

  4. I just go a new sewing machine and am totally going to try this one!

  5. where did you find the oilcloth?

  6. They really are so darling. I think they would make great gifts. People would get a real kick out of them. They would look cute hung on a hook in a kitchen, too.

  7. Where do you find oilcloth? None of the fabric stores I go to (joann's, hancock's) have it and some don't even seem to know what it is.

  8. Those are so cute. Wish I was talented enough to make them.

  9. Locally we've found oilcloth at Pacific Fabrics & Crafts. This is a more specialized fabric store than a JoAnn or Hancock's. But you can find it from plenty of online retailers, too. We love the Oilcloth Addict store on
    She has tons of cute choices at great prices, and she even sells fat quarters for smaller projects! We've also seen it at
    We've got more oilcloth projects coming up soon, so check back! Happy hunting!

  10. Try Ben Franklin too. You can always buy the iron on vinyl at Joann and then make your own with the fabric of your choice.--Stacy--

  11. Oh these are a great way to use fabric scraps! I wanted to tell you about my Scraptastic Giveaway! I got a bunch of designer fabric scraps and I'm collecting ideas for what to make. I'll collect ideas until midnight Nov. 14 and then I'll choose the best idea, make it and send it to the one who thought of it! That way we can all benefit from the fun ideas that are posted! Just thought you'd want to know!

  12. Totally why do I have to make these now?! So adorable. oh and I also just heard of a product you can buy that is iron-on oil cloth so then you can make any regular fabric oilcloth!

  13. OMGosh these are awesome, I'm gettin out the paper and pen right now!! what a creative idea, thanks!!! LA

  14. This would so make doing dishes fun! I'd probably be giggling the whole time.

  15. I LOVE these! Thanks for the instructions, I think I'll get started this weekend!

  16. I saw these in a cute boutique in town for about $25 and I thought they should be easy enough to make on my own. I am going to be making these for my MIL. Thanks for the tutorial.

  17. I just received my oilcloth order in the mail today! I can't wait to make these as last-minute Christmas gifts for all the girlies of my family! I'll be posting about them on my blog after the holidays!
    Thanks for a cute tute!

  18. I love these gloves!! I just made a post about them on my website to get the word out!

  19. I made some! I'll be posting about it on on 2/21.


  20. I've been wanting to make these and this is the cutest color combo i've found. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Thanks for sharing this i cant wait to make these and clean and style :)


    Thanks again!!

  23. What a fantastic idea! I've seen these in boutiques and they cost a fortune. I'm so excited to try and make my own for fun gifts :)

  24. Very fun and funky! Who wouldn't love to wear them?

  25. Help - I just tried to make these gloves. When I put the glove on the arm of the sewing machine, it just barely fits over the arm and the glove won't move w/ the oil cloth. Any suggestions?

  26. I wonder how I can apply feathers to the gloves??

  27. Well I don't own a sewing machine, so this is not a simple project for me. I want a few pairs though, so if someone can make them for me I'll pay you?
    let me know
    I'm looking to get them May 22

  28. I love this idea and plan to make some for Christmas presents, but I'm having a terrible time finding white gloves...I looked at WalMart and they only have yellow. Do you have other suggestions as to where I might find white ones? I even googled and came up short. I'd love any tips - these are so cute and I already ordered the oil cloth!

  29. I love these! I bought some similar to these at Walmart a few yrs ago and I think I paid $3 for one pair that wasn't half as cute! I am just starting a blog which includes cleaning tutorial today in which I am wearing some of these gloves I made after seeing this post. do u mind if I include a link to your tutorial for my readers? Thanks so much! Love your page!

  30. Cute!! I can't wait to make these. :) BTW, it says your arm is 10", you may want to fix the typo.

  31. my tension is all bunchy in the back what needle and tenion do you recommend?
