Monday, November 10, 2008

baby boy diaper change cone tutorial

I laughed out loud when I heard the name of this cool product: Pee-Pee Teepee. Can you guess what it's for? I didn't have this happen to me many times, but once is one time too many! These are a great product, but we decided to try making our own for a friend's baby shower.

If you haven't guessed what these are used for yet, you probably haven't had the privilege of changing a baby boy's diaper. This cone-shaped cloth product gives you a fighting chance to stay dry in the event of a little unexpected shower. Just put it over his little wee-wee as soon as you open his diaper and it goes to work. It's a must-have accessory for baby boys, and a set of four or five of them would be great as part of a baby shower gift. This cowboy-themed teepee is especially hilarious because the fabric has the words "giddy up" printed on it! (Yeah, we think we're pretty funny.)

Diaper Change Cone Tutorial

What you'll need:

*Sewing machine and coordinating thread

1. First, make a template out of paper and cut out two half circles of your flannel (or cut one big circle and then cut it in half). You could try tracing the bottom of a bowl or plate. Mine was 7 inches in diameter (7 inches across the straight part for you geometry-haters).

2. Sew the two halves right sides together, starting halfway down the straight side. Sew around the arc and then stop.

3. Turn inside out and iron flat, being sure to tuck in the unsewn opening.

4. Fold in half and sew down the straight side.

5. Turn inside out. Place on baby boy's wee-wee to prevent pee-pee sprinkler!


  1. I just recently found your blog, and I love it! I just wanted to say that this is hysterical! Our middle daughter is about to have her first baby in a few months - a boy - so I see these in her future. :) Thank you!

  2. This is hilarious!! I don't think I've been peed on by my son (I know my husband has at least once) but that was seriously the thing I was most scared about when I found out I was having a boy.

  3. LOL oh my goodness! I needed this 3 years ago.My little boy is 3 now but did we get sprayed! LOVE this idea the next time someone I know is having a boy I am making this thanks for sharing! :o)

  4. I keep saying this but THANK YOU!
    Its almost like you read my mind with project patterns/tutorials I keep searching for.
    I have more bookmarks on your website than any other blog! Thank you again!

  5. They were selling these at a craft show a couple of months ago and I thought those are to cute and probably way easy to make. :)

  6. Funny, funny! I just found your blog and I absolutely love it! I love all the tutorials and ideas. I actually have very similar taste to yours and I have alot of the same fabrics and such. Keep up the good work!

  7. OH my..I'm still laughing! I wish I had these 20 years ago. But I think they will make cute gifts. Thanks!

  8. that is so funny.......yes, I've been pee'd on in the past. A diaper changing pad was my best friend......too bad I didn't have a pee pee tee pee

  9. Haha - LOVE it!
    That seems much easier than the typical diaper juggle that I usually go through (to ensure that the "danger zones" are always covered). I think I'll be making a couple of these this afternoon! Very clever.

  10. Hooray I just saw that you all were featured on Today's Creative Blog! I tell you, that's one of the best things that happened to my blog...but you all are so awesome, it will probably send you readership through the roof! Congrats!

  11. We have a 10 day old son in the house and after 2 older brother's I thought I was very knowledged in changing diapers. He has been here 10 days and the bedding on our bed has been washed twiced, the changing table cover once and the slipcover on the couch too! These would be very handy to have.

  12. Ha! My cousin just became a father to a little boy. I should so make this for him.

  13. At first I thought this was funny, but the more I think about it the more I realize how awesome it is! It ALMOST makes me want to have another baby just to try it out. ; ) Thanks for sharing!

  14. These are adorable. I was thisclose to buying some made of my son's crib bedding a couple years ago before he was born. I'm glad I didn't because you really don't have time to throw the things on there, if you catch my drift...but they are SO cute! :) I'm still trying to figure out why I need to make your fishy bags...I MUST make those soon.

  15. SO smart to make this yourself! I;ll be linking.

  16. This really looks like it would work! We used the Wee Block and it really didn't stay on very well. This looks like it would work much better!

  17. Mandy I see that you are participating in "Just-a-girl" party. You should do one for this blog. That would be fun.

  18. It has never happened to me, but I know it has happened to many! Good idea!

  19. Oh my! That is stinkin hilarious. And would have come in real handy when my boys were babies. LOVE IT!

    p.s. Found your blog through Just a Girl...thanks for sharing.

  20. OR

    you could just do what i did...just throw a wipe over it...every little bit of laundry you can save yourself from doing!!

    love your tutorials your blog!!!

  21. This is hysterical! I am hosting a baby shower for a friend this coming weekend. I am going to make one up, or maybe even two, and have the guests guess what it is. Then read them outloud. I think it could make for a fun game.

    Youf blog rocks! I have so many things to "rip" from here! Keep it coming, I love it all!

  22. So cute! My son is 7 now but when he was a "wee" one I was changing a diaper and singing merrily! Well, you can guess what happened. His sprinkler aimed staright into my singing mouth! YUCK! Wish I had one of these then. :)

  23. That is the funniest and coolest idea ever. I have had two little boys (as well as two girls) and have had too many occasions where one of these would have come in very handy!!

  24. Just found your blog and going to put link to see your pee pee teepee
    LOL clever idea great tutorial!
    hugs ginger

  25. LOL! My son was the worst about
    this!! Ack I have gotten the worst
    of it too, you cant even imagin!
    He is 3 now but not wanting to
    potty train...*I have a baby and
    I think he is Jelouse.*
    Do you have a secrete for potty
    Thanks a million!
    Rane at:

  26. Oh my gosh! That is hillarious but at the same time sooooo useful! I love it!

    Thanks for visiting me, I have to take a look around your blog now!

  27. Hahahaha! That is too funny!!!

  28. These have been fabulous to have:) Colden has some issues with open air and these have really come in handy:) Thanks again!

  29. OMG, this is just 'waay too cute! I'm on my way to my sewing studio now to whip up a couple for my newest little grandson, due in January! Thanks for this funny but useful idea!

  30. I've been lucky - my son never got me, always just himself, or daddy, or the wall.... will have to give these a try

  31. I have had 3 boys - do I wish I had thought of these!

  32. I just made a half dozen of these and the are super easy and cute! I can't wait to hear the laughter at my friends baby shower! I even tried it out on my son and it worked perectly! He decided to pee and it went to the diaper below him, not in my face. Fun!!!

  33. It was a huge hit at the shower!! The most common guess was nursing pads. Which made me start thinking about making those too!! Thanks again, it really was a super fun game at the party. The dad to be even guessed that they were little wizard hats. How funny is that.

  34. I love your tutorial! Usually I just put a prefold on top, but now I can try out this cute tutorial of yours. Though I wish they sold fabrics like yours here, but they don't. :( Anyways, thanks so much for sharing. Love your blog :)

  35. I saved the link to this post and I'm going to make some of these today for a friend. She's going to love them! Thanks!

  36. too cute...our sone is 13 but when he was a 'wee' one, we cold have used one of these!

  37. Thanks a bunch! My expectant friend is gonna love these! :)

  38. I have been looking for instructions for making these. I should have known I would find them here. Thanks!

  39. Nice article as for me. I'd like to read something more about that theme.
    By the way check the design I've made myself Companionship in London

  40. Oh, if I only knew about these 20 years ago. These are hilarious!!!

  41. As a newbie to sewing, this is a perfect project (and GREAT tutorial) to get me motivated, especially because my dear friend just found out she's having a boy! And now thanks to you I've got the perfect gift!

  42. Thank you! VERY easy to follow. Made some for a baby shower gift. Will probably be on my blog in a few days.

  43. I just made these for my sister's baby boy; thanks for sharing with us how you made this!

  44. Thanks so much for posting this tutorial. My husband actually requested that I make some for our little boy who will be joining us very soon, so this helps a lot.

  45. Hahaha! This is just too hilarious! I have 2 boys and have definitely been squirted more than enough times. I'm going to make some of these for my niece who is due to have her little baby boy any day now. Thanks for posting this. :) Whether it works or not, she's sure to get a kick out of them.

  46. These are so cute! I made 3 in about 15 minutes for my grandson due in December. I've added this link, as well as several other of yours to both of my websites. I'm an email subscriber and very much enjoy receiving your posts.

    About Me

  47. Oh thank you for the great laugh!!! That is the cutest/funniest thing i've ever seen and the fabric is the crowning touch. ;) My baby boys are 14 and 11 now but I will def. make this for anyone I know that is expecting a male bundle of joy. Thanks!!
