Tuesday, October 28, 2008

crafty weekend report

While Stacy and Jessica were boogieing down at Baby Loves Disco, I was having a crafty weekend with my sister. A craft extravaganza if you will. She flew to Seattle from Utah to do nothing but craft, and craft we did. It was fabulous! We visited several local craft stores (some of them twice!), stayed up way too late watching chick flicks and trying to figure out patterns, and ate tons of crafting fuel (i.e. M&Ms and other junk food). It's so good to have a sister! It felt like we didn't get much done, but when we put all the projects together, we were amazed at what we accomplished! Here is our report.

Thursday I picked my sister up at the airport and after a bite to eat, we headed to Stamp Camp at Anne Beale's (my Stampin' Up! demonstrator--check out her new blog). We made all these fun cards, including a gift card holder and a card that holds a packet of spiced cider! That would make a great card to go along with our cup cozy.

Later that night we got creative with ribbon and flowers, making baby hair clips and collars for my sister's two chihuahuas. That's right--those are not bracelets, they're little ribbon collars for the cutest tiny pups you've ever seen!

The next morning she joined Stacy and me for our Bath Bombs class at Tot Spot Cafe (watch for our next class update soon!). She ended up helping the class attendees so much that she didn't get to make any for herself! So she got to keep the samples. We're so glad you were there, Lind! You saved us!

This message board project was a little trying, but it turned out so cute! First, I think I picked out the wrong size canvas for the fat quarter (from Amy Butler's Daisy Chain line), and then I cut the funky green ribbon the wrong length (it had been a long day!). So much for me helping her with it. We improvised with some pink taffeta ribbon from Stampin' Up! and we actually thought it turned out better that way!

Next were two nursing covers. I won't say who they're for, but two people she knows will be getting one soon! We fell in love with these fabrics from Heather Bailey's Pop Garden line (left) and Amy Butler's Midwest Modern line (right).

The piece de la resistance was this adorable bag, made with more of Heather Bailey's Pop Garden fabrics. It only took us six hours to make, but it really wasn't that hard. We're just not that pattern savvy. We love how it turned out! If you're interested, the pattern is called Frenchy Bags by Amy Butler.

We added this fun felt flower to give it a little flair. It's just made from felt, a simple fabric yo-yo, and a papercrafting embellishment, glued together with E6000.

It is so hard for me to find time to create, so this weekend was so fun for me. Not only did I get to spend time with my favorite sister, but we made time to do something that truly makes us happy.

I love this quote:

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. . . .Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty. . ."
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

That about sums it up. Thanks for a beautiful, productive, fulfilling weekend, Linds!


  1. WOW girl! That is so impressive crafty productivity! I *love* the bag!

  2. i can't believe you did all that in one weekend. you girls are fabulous!

  3. Everything looks wonderful!

    I love when craftiness runs in the family. I'm trying to convince several family members that they should be doing Etsy. They're way more crafty than I am.

  4. How FUN! I am so glad you shared all of that. Next time I go to seattle to visit my sister-in-law, I'll have to see if I can go to one of your classes. They sound like fun!

    BTW-Love the quote. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. I am new to your site but love love love all of the great ideas and tutorials. I too love that quote and it helped to define and straighten out some things going on in my life. Thanks for sharing all of your amazing ideas!

  6. I had so much fun with you this weekend! I think we should have a crafy weekend tradition! I already have so many carfts I want to do next time. Thanks for all your help! I really could not have done it without all your talent and help. love ya!

  7. Those cards are extra cute and I LOVE that quote - so true!

  8. I love that you shared your craft day! Doing things you love with people you love makes it all the more fun!
