Wednesday, September 3, 2008

easy diaper and wipe tote tutorial

As my youngest nears potty training, I find myself not needing a diaper bag anymore, but I frequently need diapers. Or Pull-Ups rather. And of course wipes (I think I'll still carry wipes after my kids are grown--they're so handy!). Another great invention that I never saw when my boys were babies are these great diaper and wipe totes. They fit a travel-size wipe container and 2-3 diapers. You can throw it in your purse (great for someone like me who changes purses frequently), or just grab the tote when you don't need your entire bag. It keeps the items you need together, and the diapers don't get all mushed and dirty in the bottom of your purse. Love it! I made myself this polka-dotted one with a matching hot pink liner using a pattern in Nancy Halvorsen's Winsome Baby book (it's on sale right now!). I skipped all the applique and quilting for a more modern look.

Stacy--crafty girl that she is--had a brilliant idea for an even easier diaper and wipe tote. Why not turn it on its side so it looks like a hip clutch? But that's not all. She made it even simpler by using a single piece of felt and a big, cool button. Here's the tutorial for all you crafty mamas.

Felt Clutch Diaper and Wipe Tote Tutorial

What you'll need:

*Piece of wool felt
*Pinking sheers (optional) and rotary cutter/mat
*Fabric glue like Liquid Stitch
*Sewing machine and coordinating thread
*Matching button or other embellishments (optional)

Okay, let's get started!

1. Cut your felt to cut to 10" x 16.5". Divide evenly into three 5.5" sections and mark with chalk.

2. Fold the piece in half length wise and cut a wide half-arc to form the front flap with your pinking shears (you could also leave this straight for a different look).

3. Fold the bottom third up to the other marked line and pin.

4. Starting on one side a the fold, stitch up the side leaving a 1/2" seam. Continue up the flap until you get to the top arc. Now change to a 1/4" allowance. Moving back down the other side, go back to a 1/2" allowance. Now use your pinking shears to trim off 1/4" off the sides only (not the arc of the flap) so you have a decorative edge.

5. Using your fabric glue, attach a the non-looped side of the Velcro to the top of the inside flap. Close the flap to see where the looped side of the Velcro should be placed, then glue it on as well.

6. Sew on your button or other embellishments and you're done!

Fill it with your wipe container and a couple of diapers and you'll be the hippest mama at the mall.

Don't forget to leave us a comment to be entered in our baby giveaway! You could win this tote along with other great handmade items from this week's posts. Link us to your blog or Web site and you'll be entered twice!


  1. You guys have the cutest ideas, I love them. And you make it look so easy, yeah!

  2. Oh, yes, that kind of beats my "throw some wipes in a ziptop bag and the Pull-Up in with the keys and Kleenex" approach to life lately. I'm gonna do some serious celebrating when I buy that last pack of training pants, I tell you! But until then, this is nice. Thanks!

  3. So cute! I could use on of these...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Stacey, How proud i am to be related to such a crafty person, I am not so crafty, I buy it. I linked your site to mine so all my friends can check this site out, this is amazing...thanks... Jennifer

  5. I want to learn to make these, they make great shower gifts!!

  6. Thankyou so much for visiting my blog, i love you blog, lots of tutorials, i hope to do some in the future, i have a best friend having a baby and will be using some of your tutorials to make her some gifts. Thanks for a great blog.

  7. Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day…I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited!

    It's nice to hear from someone who lives near me...I'm from Issaquah.

    Lee :)

  8. These are the types of projects that make me wish I was more talented with a sewing machine! But I am going to attempt (with my moms, soon to be a new grandma!, help) a taggie blanket. My poor child is going to be left behind the craft craze if I dont take a crash course! Thanks for the great tutorial!!
    laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

  9. Oh this is too cute and so easy! I think I will get my girls to do up some for new mom at church. Great idea guys!

  10. I love the look of this! I've made some of these before but this seems even easier than the way I do it and I love the button! Totally cute!

  11. Very cute!! My sis will love your website too!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  12. I am in love with your site. I just added it to my blogroll so I can keep up with your awesome ideas. They're very inspiring, and certainly blow my piddly tutorials out of the water.

    Come visit me sometime!

  13. This is such a great idea! It would be nice to have something like this that you could always have ready to throw in a purse/church bag:) Though I can't believe that soon I am going to have to convert back to a diaper bag!

  14. These are great. Sometimes I don't need the entire diaper bag! This will be great for those quick errands I need to run! Thanks for the great demo!

  15. I've just recently found your blog, and I love it! Thanks for all of the great ideas!

  16. HI! This is so cute.. but when i showed it to my sister who is getting ready to bring Miss Bailey in the world.. she really liked the polka dot one.. do you happen to have the dimensions for that one? you guys have the cutest stuff.. makes me wish i had kids to make things for :0)

  17. Hi Angie! The polka dot one came from a pattern in a book. I borrowed it from a friend, so I don't have it to check the dimensions. Sorry! There is a link to the book in the post if you're interested!
